The Dark Mark

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Ashlyn's eyes snapped open as she sat bolt upright. She was in the farthest corner of the library. How long had she been sitting there? She picked up the potions book she had been reading and placed it back on the shelf. 

That's when the title of the book caught her eye.

'Potion-making for Beginners'

Ashlyn frowned. Why on earth would she be reading that book? She never liked it in the first place. It had no useful information and had almost no instructions anyway. What was she thinking when she decided to read that? Weird.

Stretching, she moved to the nearby window and threw it open, humming under her breath.

"I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more~
If its ten thousand hours or the rest of my life~"

There was this weird feeling like she was forgetting something important...Was it something in her dream? What was her dream anyway? Obviously, she didn't remember...

Katie must be in getting well in St Mungo's now, Harry would be obsessed with Malfoy-is-a-Death-Eater theory. Well, he wasn't wrong. She stopped humming. 

Wait a minute...

This was supposed to happen in October, and the weather didn't match the one of October...


Then she realized she had a splitting headache...

What had happened?

Right. Memories came floating back. McGonagall had asked her to try once again to tutor Malfoy. They had only a few more months for the end of year exams, and that idiot was as terrible as ever. He didn't show up on the first day, and Ashlyn had told McGonagall that he was being a jerk, which earned him a week's detention. 

Then earlier that evening, she confronted him again. Which didn't end well. They had broken off into a furious yelling-match...That damn idiot!

Ashlyn sighed.

But something didn't feel right. If she had a fight with Malfoy, she should be angry and annoyed...not angry and sad...Especially since he had been very generous with insulting her all the while. All he did was yell at her than storm out. No wonder she felt vexed. Malfoy was such an asshole!. . . Although, why did it feel like she was missing something? Something big.

Did she forget something? Nope. Then what was it? Maybe it was just the nap messing with her head. Yeah, she should eat something, or have a coffee and she'll be up.

She watched the sun slowly poke its head in the horizon, the sky tinged pink, birds twittering their welcome to the new day.

Sighing, she made her way back to the common room.

"You look better today," Hermione said as she sat down at the table for breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Ashlyn asked as she poured herself some coffee.

"You were sulking all week," Hermione said.

"I was?" Ashlyn asked confused. A wave of that same strange feeling washed over her again.

She looked around the table...everything seemed normal...Ron had broken up with Lavender...Harry and Ginny were dating...Hermione stared at her concerned.

"Did something happen with him?" she asked.

"Who?" Ashlyn said as she reached for her toast.

"Malfoy," Hermione said.

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