Quidditch Practice

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Problems, problems, problems for everyone. 

Ashlyn found it extremely amusing when Harry tried to shake off little Colin Creevey every time they met. Harry always sounded exasperated when he spoke to Colin, but the ardent little fanboy always came back with the same bright smile. Ashlyn admired his dedication.

 Ron would shoot sparks whenever he used his wand and it was getting out of control. At first, it was amusing but now it was downright annoying, setting off a loud bang every now and then. Ashlyn wanted to take the wand to Dumbledore but decided not to because if she did get Ron's wand fixed, later Harry and Ron will be obliviated by Lockhart. Ron's broken wand was the only hope. 

Saturday morning, Ashlyn was shaken awake by Angelina Johnson. Correction. Saturday early morning. Ashlyn groaned and turned to the other side, hugging her blanket. 

"Come on. Wood says practice," said Angelina, who sounded sleepy and annoyed.

"This early! Come on Angelina. Think of your warm bed. It's calling you. The soft, fluffy pillows, the warm blankets. Go to them. They are calling you. Just as mine is calling me." Ashlyn said slowly, trying to persuade the older girl.

"You slip under the warm covers, your head just sinks into the pillow...it's bliss, Angelina," she said softly.

 It seemed to be working, as Angelina's grip on the blanket loosened, but then she shook her head and yanked the blanket harder.

"Nice try, Clarke. Almost got me. But nope. Move it !"


It was the crack of dawn. The sky looked beautiful with its pink and golden hue. The thin silver mist, that hung around made it look ethereal. The birds were chirping a sweet harmony, singing the arrival of yet another wondrous morning.

Ashlyn would have admired it more if she hadn't been shoved off her nice bed and made to go for practice. The pink sky made her even more annoyed. Not at the sky of course, but at Wood. That git. How dare he disturb her beauty sleep! To Ashlyn, the singing of the birds sounded like mockery.

Grudgingly, Ashlyn pulled on her scarlet quidditch robes, scribbled a note for Hermione, telling that she had gone for practice. She had to try hard to shake off the urge to shove Hermione off the bed too. She slumped downstairs, where she saw Harry and Colin.

"Morning " she yawned.

The boys turned to look at her.

Harry groaned a "You too", while Colin gave a bright smile and chirped happily "Good morning!" Ashly couldn't help but smile at the little boy. Ashlyn noticed that Colin was showing Harry a picture he had taken. She leaned in to see the picture, where Harry's arm was struggling to get out of Lockhart's grip. Ashly smirked.

"Nice fight you keeping up in there, Harry." she snickered. Harry looked pleased that his photo-self was putting up a fight too.

"Will you sign it?" said Colin eagerly.

"No," said Harry flatly,  "Sorry, Colin, I'm in a hurry — Quidditch practice —"

Ashlyn shook her head as she made her way towards the portrait hole.

Colin followed her and Harry; mostly Harry, chatting away happily. 

When they reached the sloping lawns to the quidditch fields, Harry had just finished explaining the rules of the game to Colin.

The rest of the Gryffindor team was already in the changing room. Wood was the only person who looked truly awake. Fred and George Weasley were sitting, puffy-eyed and tousle-haired,  Her fellow Chasers, Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson, were yawning side by side opposite them.

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