Ron's Quidditch Practice

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Keeper try-outs for Gryffindor went fairly well. Though Harry wasn't there; he was in detention with that horrible woman. Ron had come for the try-outs.

 Ashlyn seriously didn't want to be the one who played against Ron, thankfully Angelina had the same thought, with a small difference. Ashlyn didn't want to play Ron, because what if he couldn't stop her goals? Angelina was thinking what if Ashlyn gives him easy goals because on was her friend.

Anyway, Ashlyn played Geoffrey Hooper. And Ashlyn was straight out annoyed.

"I wasn't ready!" Hooper whined.

"Alright, back in position," Angelina said with a sigh.

Ashlyn zoomed towards the goalposts aiming for the centre hoop, and when she was two feet away from Hooper, she threw the quaffle through the left hoop. 

Hooper missed it. He had been guarding only the middle one.

"You were going for the centre one!" he cried.

"No one's going to tell you that they are aiming for the left hoop during a game," Ashlyn snapped.

"Three more tries," Angelina said sulkily from the ground.

The next three, however, Hooper did very well. He defended the goalposts really well, although he didn't have the flair like Wood, Ashlyn had to admit he wasn't bad.

Vicky Frobisher only missed one goal out of five and was by far one of the best, but Angelina didn't want to choose her as Frobisher had her priorities elsewhere.

"She'd drop quidditch practice if it interferes with her Charms club," Angelina sighed.

"What about Hooper?" Katie asked

"A bit of a whiner, isn't he?" Fred said.

"Ron did fairly well," Ashlyn added.

"Yes, he did. But, he might need a bit more practice," Angelina said.

"Agreed," Ashlyn said nodding, along with the others.

"Harry, Ron got in!" Ashlyn and Hermione said excitedly.

"Yeah, congratulation, Ron," Harry said hurriedly to Ron who came behind the girls, only to be soon whisked off by the twins.

"Listen, I was doing detention with Umbridge, and she touched my arm..."

Harry explained about his scar hurting when Umbridge touched him.

"You're worried that You-Know-Who's controlling her like he controlled Quirrell?" Hermione said slowly.

"Well," said Harry, dropping his voice, "it's a possibility, isn't it?"

"I suppose so," said Hermione, though she sounded unconvinced. "But I don't think he can be possessing her the way he possessed Quirrell, I mean, he's properly alive again now, isn't he, he's got his own body, he wouldn't need to share someone else's. He could have her under the Imperius Curse, I suppose . . ."

Hermione said, "But last year your scar hurt when nobody was touching you and didn't Dumbledore say it had to do with what You-Know-Who was feeling at the time? I mean, maybe this hasn't got anything to do with Umbridge at all, maybe it's just coincidence it happened while you were with her?"

"She's evil," said Harry flatly. "Twisted."

"She's horrible, yes, but . . . Harry, I think you ought to tell Dumbledore your scar hurt."

"I'm not bothering him with this. Like you just said, it's not a big deal. It's been hurting on and off all summer — it was just a bit worse tonight, that's all —"

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