The Row

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Ashlyn was waiting in the Transfiguration classroom, as the clock ticked closer to 9 o'clock. Five minutes later, Malfoy entered.

Ashlyn sighed. 

"You are late. Again," she said, as Malfoy wordlessly took out his books.

"Why are you even doing this?" she sighed.

"That's what I want to ask you," Malfoy sneered. "Let's just get this over with,"

"What do you even have to say for yourself?" Ashlyn snapped. "You are late all the time,"

Malfoy checked his watch, "Five minutes," he said. "I was five minutes late,"

"Do you know in that five minutes you could get hexed or worse, killed," Ashlyn fired back.

"You are just annoyed that I stood you up," Malfoy snapped.

"Real clever, Malfoy," Ashlyn sassed. 

"No one would have guessed. How did you ever find out?" she said in a mock surprised voice, then said, annoyed, "I don't even know why I come early every Wednesday hoping you'd do better the next time," 

Ashlyn sighed.

"Precisely," Malfoy said, finally looking up from his book. "Can I leave?"

"No," Ashlyn said simply. "You are doing terrible than ever. McGonagall had me held back after class, asking what was even going on,"

"What did you say?" Malfoy asked.

"I said that you were being a git, coming late every day, and not working properly at all," Ashlyn said haughtily.

Malfoy raised his eyebrows.

Ashlyn continued lazily flipping the pages, "And I asked her to give you a particularly long detention,"

Ashlyn looked up from her book to see an angry and horrified Malfoy glaring back at her. Ashlyn basked in her glory of pissing Malfoy off for one good minute, then sighed.

"I just told her you were doing fine," she said reluctantly. "So, human transfiguration," Ashlyn straightened.

Grumbling under his breath, Malfoy started reading.

Ashlyn pulled out her charms homework, and her quill scratched away in the silence. Occasionally, she'd look up to see if Malfoy was working. 

Ashlyn had expected Malfoy to not cooperate at all, but he was surprisingly...civil. He looked exhausted as the days passed, which was obvious, he was trying to fix the Vanishing cabinet. His skin was paler than ever almost looking grey, his cheeks sunken in as though he hadn't been eating at all, the dark circles under his eyes were more prominent than ever, the airy proud flush that usually lit his face had disappeared...

Ashlyn sighed, then scanned her essay for any mistakes, and then rolled it up carefully, closed her books, corked the ink bottle, cleaned the tip of her quill careful and placed them all into her bag. 

She leaned back into her chair, crossing her arms as she stared at Malfoy. His eyes darted across the an unnaturally fast pace...hmmm...A bit wouldn't hurt...

Malfoy's defences were weaker than ever. Ashlyn sighed, feeling extremely guilty. All she could see in his head was the Vanishing Cabinet, then she got a glimpse of the Malfoy manor, with Voldemort sitting at the long table, the Vanishing Cabinet, the basement with Olivander locked up, the Vanishing cabinet...

Ashlyn closed her eyes. Of course, that idiot wasn't reading one bit...slightly annoyed, Ashlyn snapped her transfiguration book shut, startling Malfoy.

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