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"But it looks good! It suits you,"


"If only you were good at human transfiguration, you wouldn't have to struggle like this,"

"Alright! Alright! I get it! Transfiguration is important!"

"Come again, I didn't hear you,"

"Seriously, Clarke! Get it off! 

"I'm sure you can survive,"

"I said I get it! Transfiguration is important! So just take it off!"

Ashlyn laughed at Malfoy who was yelling himself hoarse. 

Malfoy had scoffed and disregarded it completely when Ashlyn had asked him to start with Transfiguration.

"It is not essential for survival," Malfoy had scoffed.

"Oh, yeah?" Ashlyn said sarcastically, waving her wand. "Fine then, I'm sure you'll survive this,"

There was a flash of light. Malfoy blinked and looked at himself.

"What did you do?" he asked perturbed.

Ashlyn just smirked with satisfaction. The more she took him in, the longer she couldn't hold back her laughter. She bit her lip, trying not to burst out laughing, but it didn't hold on for long, as she erupted into peals of giggles.

"Stop laughing," Malfoy sneered. "What did you do?"

The Room popped a mirror in front of him. With a horrified, high-pitched scream, Malfoy dropped the mirror, shattering it.

He was sporting the wild, lurid neon pink hair, and was freaking out, as he desperately tried to undo the spell. Ashlyn was beside herself, clutching the table for support, laughing.

"Get it off!"

"Sorry, Malfoy. Permanent spell," Ashlyn said trying to sound sorry, but it didn't go all too well, seeing as she was enjoying the situation very much.

"NO! Clarke! I swear I'll curse you. Crucio, you cruel bitch!" Malfoy yelled, dancing around.

"I'd like to see you try, you dumb dickhead," Ashlyn scoffed.

"Just get it off. I'll do transfiguration, I promise," Malfoy begged. 

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . . . No," Ashlyn said.

"Come on, Clarke. I can't go out like this. Hell, I can't live like this!" Malfoy cried.

Ashlyn had tears of mirth in her eyes, as she rolled around laughing.

Finally, when she felt bad for Malfoy, she changed his hair back to his platinum blond. And the joke had gotten old. 

"What a shame," Ashlyn sighed sadly, and Malfoy checked his hair in another mirror with relief and satisfaction.

"The world would never get to see that beautiful sight,"

Malfoy scowled at her. 

"You know, I could do it again discretely," Ashlyn said brightly. "When you enter the Great Hall, and the whole school's gonna see that. Oh, my gosh! That would be incredible,"

"Don't you dare!" Malfoy said threateningly. "Once I get this right, I'm coming for you,"

"What are you going to do?" Ashlyn said leaning on her hands, challengingly. "Dye my hair a different colour?"

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