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Ashlyn visited Hagrid once more the next day. They had tea and rock cakes, but Hagrid was still too sad to speak. Ashlyn hadn't told the others that she had spoken with Hagrid. Why? Blame her stupid self which wanted to follow the friggin' plot.

There was a Hogsmeade trip halfway through January. Hermione was very surprised that Harry was going to go. She thought he would want to work on the egg. Harry, as usual, lied and told he had almost figured the clue out. Ron, as always, supported Harry. Ashlyn couldn't be bothered with all this, so she sat in the RoR or the library trying to avoid any possible social contact. She had this weird feeling she couldn't shake off. A feeling that made her want to avoid any human interaction. Some misfortune was coming their way...or she was just being anti-social.

Ashlyn was thinking about the egg, Harry's stupidity for not asking them for help. He'll do it later, but still wasn't he being an idiot, delaying it for so long. By now Krum and Delacour would have figured it out too. Of course, assuming that Moody imposter helped Cedric, and Cedric told Harry to 'take a bath'. 

Ashlyn suddenly thought of something and snorted. Gosh! Why had she thought that? She was thinking about the second task when a song drifted into her mind and now refused to leave. She had seen it in a meme from that time. And dear lord, was that fandom weird.

'Victor shark do do do do do~'

Ashlyn couldn't help but laugh. 


'Couldn't they shut up at the library?' Draco Malfoy though furiously, as he pulled out a book from the shelf.

The annoying giggles now erupted into laughter.

"Shut up, Clarke!" he snapped. It took him two seconds. He went around the aisle hurriedly. He hadn't seen the person who was disturbing his peace. How the hell had he known that it was Clarke?!
Clarke was sitting with a pile of books strewn across her table and was busy giggling. One hand clutching her side as she laughed, and the other over her mouth trying to muffle the sound, her eyes sparkling with mirth.

So much for avoiding her.

"Stop it, will you?" Draco huffed.

"Sure thing. Sorry," she gasped. Then looked up at him. And there it was; the disappointed sigh she always greeted him with.

"I knew something horrible was making its way, did not expect it to be this fast," Ashlyn grumbled, as she looked away from Malfoy. She still wanted to smack the shit out of him for talking bullcrap about Hagrid.

But the damn song wouldn't leave her mind! It made her giggle unstoppably.

"Seriously Clarke, shut up!" Malfoy snapped, slamming a book in front of her.

"Whatever did that book do to you?" Ashlyn said once she had managed to stop herself from laughing. It was suspicious. The song was still ringing in her head. Oh, there it was. She broke into peals of laughter again.

"Fine! What is so funny?" Malfoy drawled, sitting down

"You wouldn't understand," Ashlyn said waving her hand dismissively

"Oh, really?" Malfoy scoffed

"Oh, really," Ashlyn nodded.

"Try me," Malfoy said

"Listen here, you dunderhead. I am a hundred per cent sure that you won't get it," Ashlyn said.

"Is that a bet?" Malfoy said, leaning back on his chair.

Ashlyn suddenly got a wonderful idea. She got up, ran to the nearby window, and summoned the little paper box she had kept on her bedside table. And then she went back to her seat.

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