riley's POV

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There's no hiding that Maya likes Lucas. I can tell. it's pretty obvious. she tries to deny it but she just can't. I mean, come on, Maya, I'm your best friend. she's a good liar and all, but I'm gonna kick her apple suckle seeds. I told her not to like him.

so when Maya denies her crush on him while we watch Netflix together, I try not to flip out on her.

"Oh trust me, Riles, I don't have feelings for the Texas ranger. after all, what's to like about him?" She snickers.

in my mind, I think "stop lying to me! I'm your best friend, Maya. even if I have a tiny (okay huge) crush on him, I'd only kill you if you lie!"

but out loud, I'm a little more kind. "Whats to like about him? come on, Maya! he's nice, cute, funny, sweet, and the only one besides farkle's geek squad that's nice to him at all!"

We continue to watch Netflix until mom comes in and Auggie follows, suggesting that we help mom bring the groceries in. Maya is too lazy and leaves. I end up on my own helping Auggie and mom bring in 5 pound groceries.

"Hey, Riley, whats up with Maya? She usually spends the day over but she left just now!" Auggie asks me as he plops in my lap.

"I honestly don't know, Augg, but I hope she feels better," I say. "More like get better." I mutter under my breath.

"Should we tell mommy to help Maya?" He questioned innocently.

I laughed. He was so clueless. "You'll understand when you grow up, Auggie. You and mom both won't understand. I don't even know who will." and I left it at that.

I ran to my "window" where Maya and I usually sit to talk or think. in this case, I was thinking. Should I help Maya? I mean, her times are pretty tough most of the time. maybe she needs Lucas more than me. but then again, I liked him first. This is war.

Lucas' Girl [Lucaya AU] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now