maya's POV

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"And guess what? Lucas looked at me yesterday. That's huge!" Riley rambled on and on about her huge crush on the schools hottie. Don't get me wrong, he's cute, but I don't like him. Why would I like him?

"Come on Maya, don't deny your feelings for him. Just kidding. You probably should because if you did have feelings for him I'd kill you," Riley said.

"Oh, trust me, Riles, I don't have feelings for the Texas ranger." I laughed. "After all, what's to like about him?"

"Whats to like about him? Come on Maya! He's nice, cute, funny, sweet, and the only one besides us and Farkle's little geek squad thats nice to Farkle at all!" Riley ticked off her fingers.

"Okay, Bessie, I get it," I joked. We were watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and Riley was a little creeped out about it, but I don't see what's to be creeped out about. It's Pretty Little Liars! There's nothing at all to be scared.

Suddenly, Topanga walked through the door with Auggie. "Hi Maya! Hey, Riles!" Auggie's sweet voice filled my ears.

"Hey Aug! What's up?" I asked as Auggie jumped into my lap.

"Ava and I went to the park and mommy got groceries. She says help her bring them to the table!"

Sure enough, Topanga was attempting to wave when I looked over.

"I'd rather not. Sorry, Mrs. Matthews!" I smiled and walked out. Where was I heading? I don't know, exactly. But I'll just roam around the city.

I don't know exactly the point I was getting at here, but I know what will happen later on in the story. I just needed a starter. follow my fan page on instagram : gmwfanfics. and on Twitter I'm LareineZakharia. thanks, ilya and pls try to vote and comment and read and yeah all that shizzle

Lucas' Girl [Lucaya AU] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now