Final Author's Goodbye

5.4K 81 27

Hey guys I am so sorry this is so late but omg, I'm so sad Lucas' Girl ended. Please don't hate me😓I already hate myself for ending it but it had to happen sometime. No, there will not be a sequel because idk where to continue with this, all along my plan was to end it this way. Thank you so much for supporting me and reading and enjoying this and commenting! I love you all so so much, I'm so grateful. 23.7k is way more than I expected to get. All I wanted was 1k and you gave me way more than that, and I love you all so much for that.

I can't say sorry or thank you enough! If you want to get in contact, private message me. If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I will answer them. If it's private, just pm me and I'll answer. Any advice, help, or just simply talking just private message me! I love you to the moon and back, thank you so much x10202938483. Bye 😭💘

Lucas' Girl [Lucaya AU] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now