When he felt eyes on him he simply glared at everybody and that was enough for all the prying eyes to change their direction of eyesight. The teacher continued his stupid lecture, while I tried to control my beating heart, it's going to beat out of my chest. Why is he making exceptions with me being the main reason?

He looked at me but I ignored him, he just shrugged and shifted a little closer to me, laying his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes and completely resting his body against mine. This guy really got some guts, but too bad I don't have some so I pushed his head back and tried to concentrate on the lesson for the first time since I entered this class. No, I'm not doing this because I'm mad at him for disappearing without any trace, I'm doing this because I want to ace this class.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw him scowl and let me tell you he looked adorable with his dishevelled appearance. I fight the smile making an appearance on my face and looked at the teacher. He again tried to put his head on my shoulder but I pushed it off once more. this continued for a minute or more, when he suddenly got up from the seat, grabbing my hand.

"Caim, what are you doing?" I whispered yelled at him when he tried to pull me out of my seat, I tried to pull my hand out from his grip but his hand only tightened on my wrist. What is he trying to do!? He walked out of the class, pulling me after him.

" what do you think you are doing?" I asked him while trying very hard to rip my hand away from his grasp but his hold was very tight. I could decipher by the hallways that he was taking me to the library. His steps were wide and long while I struggled to keep up with his pace. "Caim, what is wrong with you?" I asked, He looked at me with a bored expression.

"What?" I narrowed my eyes when he didn't reply, my eyes twitched with irritation. How dare he? He is the one who poofed into thin air without telling me and when I asked him why he's behaving like this, he has the nerve to ignore me. I dragged my feet on the ground to stop him, the library was just around the corner. He saw my struggling and stopped.

I instantly removed my hand from his grasp, it wasn't bruised but was still red from his tight grip. "What is wrong with you? Why did you drag me here and in front of everybody?" I was starting to get angry, I don't understand him sometimes, he always tries to have his way in everything. Doing whatever he feels right but I can't just let him have his way around with me. He can be the bad boy for school but not in front of me.

He once again tried to hold my hand but I stepped back and folded them on my chest.
He scowled and looked at me, irritation clear in his silver orbs. He looked like a child ready to stomp his feet on the ground if I didn't listen to him. It slightly amuses me to see the bad boy looking like a petulant child, his hair wasn't helping either with his adorable face. Seeing him like this, some of my anger dissipated but I was still irked by his behaviour, this is no way to drag someone out from their class.

"Just come with me" he grumbled, his voice was tired like he hasn't slept for quite some time now, Caim looked worn out. I can see the shadows of sleepless nights on his face. The little stubble and his droopy eyes, why does he look like that? He rubbed his hands on his face almost like he's trying very hard to not lash out, before holding out his hand. I stared at it for some time before holding it and this time letting him drag me to the library.

We entered the large room and instantly the smell of old pages and the hum of stories made me smile, this place holds so much of my pent up pain, the books knows how I feel, wuthering heights know when I lost my sister, the great gatsby has seen me crying, the tears still mark the pages of the old book and Romeo and Juliet has felt everything thIt I was feeling the day when my world crumbled. These books are like my own version of the armour, they couldn't do anything but still protects me from the harsh reality. They know all of my secrets, some of which even my heart couldn't know.

I broke my thoughts and looked around to see if we have made ourselves some audience, but I sighed when I saw the library was very secluded right now with only one or two students doing their projects or reading books. When we entered the place the librarian stood up to protest but just one look from Caim has her tail tucked between her legs and running in the opposite direction. My last hope was gone as well and now it's time for me to pay for my sins and die unholy. I know I'm a drama queen.

He continued to drag me while I prayed to every single lord to help me tame this firing beast and thanked my mom for giving me a life that now is going to be taken by a very ruthless devil. He suddenly stopped, I crashed into his back by the sudden pause. I looked around and saw that we were in a very isolated area of the library where no one can enter without permission then how did we get the permission?. Oh yeah, I'm with Caim. This place contains some of the best and thrilling books, this restricted area has all the handwritten biographies of some of the very famous. authors and people.

The place was not very clean, it has some old books littering on the floor with a thin sheen of dust coating them. I was yanked down on the floor by an already sitting Caim. He looked even worse in the dimly lit room, his eyes were blank with dark circles and pale complexion, not to forget the slight limp in his walk.

I sat beside him and he took it as a signal to lay his head on my lap. His body laid on the wooden floor and his head was resting on my thighs. I stared at him awkwardly, what am I suppose to do now? He closed his eyes, adjusting a little to feel more comfortable. He huffed before taking my hand putting it on his head, I quickly catch on to what he was trying to say. I started running my fingers through his soft locks.

His hair was soft and brown, I continued to run my fingers while he slept peacefully, his hair really look a different colour. I mean the roots are a little lighter than the rest of his hair but I still couldn't make out the actual colour of his hair, surely I saw some icy blonde strands but instead of dwelling on it, I ignored them. It was about 15 minutes later that I decided to ask him about his sudden disappearance.

" Caim, what happened, where were you?" I asked him, he slowly opened his eyes, locking the silver orbs with mine, they were filled with a different emotion, I couldn't recognise and within seconds, poof, it was gone. This is getting frustrating, how easily he can lock everything in his eyes with just a blink. He laid there silently not giving me any reaction and it was driving me to the edge. His quietness was something that I hated from the very beginning, even before he met me. The way he kept every emotion in control inside his body always drove me nuts.

When I received no answer I dropped the topic and started running my fingers through his hair, I accidentally tugged on a knot to remove it and Caim moaned lowly, I looked at him surprised, he was also surprised by his action by the way his eyes widened and his face turned a little pink. Did he just moan? I couldn't help but feel amused. He is so adorable.

He quickly closed his eyes making me chuckle silently. He seriously doesn't know how to show any emotion. I continued running my fingers through his hair. He turned around a little, pushing his face into my stomach before mumbling something.

" what did you say?" I asked him because I didn't hear him the first time. He moved away a little, his eyes still closed, " I'm tired," he said in a very small voice and I know it took everything in him to say these small words. I can tell by the way his face scrunched up when he said them. As if those words left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Why?" My hands were now twisting his hair strands, his hair is so soft I could play with them forever. He didn't reply but just sighed and pushed his face further into my stomach, making me chuckle.

I know it is wrong but I've realized that I'm starting to like him and let's see,
If it goes on forever or it goes down in flames.
I swear Taylor Swift has nothing on me.


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Until next time.

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