We are in the middle of nowhere.

I walk around trying to think about my plan and how everything is going to work, but my thoughts immediately change to Connor.

I just remember how we used to play outside and explore around the woods. How he used to tell me story's he invented in that moment.

As I continued walking towards the woods I could feel someone watching me from behind.

Once again, his cristal blue eyes make contact with mine.

I stay silent and still wait for him to do or say something.

"Chris and Carlos told me." He says walking towards me. We stay face to face as my confused look tries to know what he is talking about.

"About Octavia." He continued. I just stare at him. His face shows regret about something he did.

"I am sorry for being a dick." He apologizes for how he treated me earlier.

It isn't his fault. I know he is mad and I would be too.

"It's okay." I replied. He smiled at my response.

"Sorry if I disturbed you." He says.

"Don't worry." I replied and we continued walking around.

"How did you find her?" He asks, knowing he is referring about Octavia.

"Jason did."

"Jason Black?" He asks with a weird look.

"Yes. He saved her and took her home with us." I said remembering what he did making me smile.

"I never would have thought he would do that." Bellamy says.

"Why would you say that?" I ask.

"He isn't the type of guy to do something for someone." I stopped walking and looked at him.

He looks at me and chuckles.

"When Jason and I worked together he never helped anyone, he used to do everything for himself."

"You two were friends?" I ask.

"Used to be really good friends." He chuckles, "but I guess he got the chance to get out of here. Even after Elijah offered him a lot, he decided to leave and left me in this hell of a place."

"What do you mean to offer?"

"Jason was his favorite. He killed and fought for Elijah. He treated him like a son."

"Bullshit." I said out loud, "He tortured him when he first brought him in. He was 16 years old."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Bellamy looked at me weird and with a questioning look.

"Elijah made his life a living hell and he treated him as a fucking weapon. He is doing the same to all of you and making you do shit to people. He is even using me."

"Even if he rescued my sister he is fucking selfish." He says in a angry tone. "Black left half of his friends here. He fucking promised to take us with him and he left us. Even after making his huge mob he didn't even have the balls to come here and take us out."

"That's how we all know him for. For being a fucking coward who used to be our brother. For being a piece of shit to everyone and only doing things for himself."

"Don't you fucking dare say that about him. He saved millions of people from this place. He saved your little sister from being raped by what you call "friends" so you should be fucking thankful for that." I said angrier by the second.

"And don't say he didn't have the balls to do it. He did something you didn't. Save his own life, he tried to get out of here and accomplished that. Don't say he is a piece of shit when he rescued your sister and kept her safe even after your alcoholic father tried to take her away "

Before I walk away I turned to look at him one last time.

"Don't you fucking dare blame him for being a coward. At least he tried and succeeded being the most powerful gang leader in the world. You are the one who stayed here and didn't even tried."

My words made him stay silent.

After so much anger I kept in, I exploded on him making me feel guilty.

I walk back to the mansion leaving him alone. I feel like a piece of shit because I don't even know what he has been threw.

I wanted to turn around and apologize but my actions do otherwise.


Sorry for taking so long posting I decided to take a little break from writing but I am starting to post again.

If you have any questions send me a private message!

Thank you for reading my story I hope you are liking it!

How do feel about the story so far?

(Sorry for any grammar mistakes)


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