Chapter 27

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My heart is beating faster than ever. We run through the hallways and watch for anyone. I just hope I don't have to actually shoot anybody. Just the thought of it makes me shiver. No matter how much I despise Robert I know I wouldn't be able to shoot him. I'm far behind Adam and Klein because they are more active than I am. I run to try to catch up but don't watch my surroundings.

All of a sudden I'm pulled into the room with somebody holding my mouth. I try to scream but my gun falls. The only protection I had.

"You bitch. You're not going anywhere. "Robert snarls at me. I bite his hand hard enough to draw blood. He screams and let's go of me. I try to make a run for it but he grabs me by the waist and yanks me. I fall backwards and scramble away.

"I won't let you get away that easily. " He growls. He goes to slap me when somebody I needed comes in.

"Touch her and you'll be sorry. " Aaron. Robert turns around and laughs.

"What are you going to do boy?" He says exaggerating the word boy. Aaron lifts his gun up.

"Do it. " Robert says and walks up to the gun. The gun poking his heart. And without hesitation Aaron pulls the trigger while looking him in the eye. Robert holds his heart. Arron shoots again. Once. Twice. Three times in total. Robert falls backwards, a pool of blood surrounding him. Blood splatters everywhere including on me. I should be mad at Aaron but I'm not. I run and hug him tightly. He hugs me back.

"Aaron I -"

"Shh princess. I need you to get out of here now. " He says cupping my face and looking me in the eyes. No matter how much it pained me to leave him again, I nod my head, grab my gun and run like my ass was on fire.

I make it safely out of the building and see a panicked Adam and Klein. I run up to them and hug them.

"I'm so sorry Madi. " Adam says a little panicky.

"Its no problem Adam. I just need to sit down. " He nods and they both move away. I sit on the back of the truck and watch as plenty of ambulances and police cars file in.

Everybody comes out and once I see Aaron I run up to him and hug him tightly. He hugs me back even tighter. He then pulls away slightly and kisses me all over my face. He cups my face and kisses my lips. I kiss him back like my life depended on it.

"I'm so happy you're alive.  " I smile and happy tears fall down my face. He looks up and smiles at me sadly.

"I'll be right back. " I nod as he leaves me.

I walk to the truck and sit on the back. I clutch my arms from the coldness. I guess Klein noticed because he wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. I look up to him and smile at him appreciatively. He smiles back.I sigh and just stare blankly at the ground and hold the blanket tightly around me. I finally just stop and think about this whole 72 hours of my life. No tears. No nothing. Out of the corner of my eye I see Aaron sit next to me with a sad look. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to towards him. I stay staring blankly at the ground.

"Hey babe. Are you okay?" He asks me tentatively. He looks me over.

"Why do you have blood on you?" He asks me worried.

"I bit a girls face off for touching me and some is Roberts blood" I say blankly. I see him smile widely.

"Heyyy, there's the feisty girl I am fell in love with. " He says moving my shoulders. A small smile makes their way to my lips. He smiles back at me kisses my cheek. I smile and turn to him. On the side of him I see a boy with his arm wrapped around Emma.

"Who's that?" Aaron looks back and nods at him.

"That's Emma's boyfriend, Grayson. "

"But what about-"

"I know. Shocked me too. But I think he noticed how she acts around him. " He says sadly.

"What you mean?"

"She acts so shy and blushes like crazy around Josh. He loves her, I can tell, but I'm pretty sure he noticed her heart isn't fully with him anymore. " I nod and look at the boy. He's around Aaron's age and pretty good looking. Brown  cute, wavy, messy hair, bright green eyes, tan, and pretty tall.

Soon enough the police come out of the factory and arrest the prostetutes and left over gang members. Ambulances put some on stretchers too. I see 5 body bags come out too. I know one of those is Roberts and one is Kennedy's.

The ambulance checks Jay, Asher, and I. We also had to all make statements at the police station which took a good 3 hours. Jay and Asher had to stay at the police station so their families could get them. And apparently they're sisters. Jay is 15 and Asher 16. When their families got them it was so sad but I was happy for them. Their dad, mom , and brother can and the first glimps of them sent them all in tears. They hugged the entire time, all in tears. It made me smile.

Once I  got home i went straight to my room. I lay down and cry into my pillow. All the emotions bottled up in me. All the things I've been holding on to gone. I let it all out into my pillow.

What seems like a forever of being alone in my room is ended by someone sitting on my bed. They rub my mid back and the sensation it sends me, I know its Aaron.

"I'm fine Aaron. " I say as bravely as I can, which isn't so brave.

"No you're not. What happened to the brave girl a few hours ago?" I sit up and look at him in the eyes.

"She's broken again. "

"No, no she's not. She's right here. " He says and delicately lays his index finger on my heart. I smile at him and peck his lips.

"Thank you Aaron. "

"No problem. Now go take a shower, I'll wash your sheets. " He says. I look at my previous spot and its now covered in the dried blood. I nod and get up. I should've told him I loved him, but I didn't. When will I confess my feelings?

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