Chapter 31

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**Madison's Point Of View***

Some people say that love is easy, but it really isn't. It hits you like a ton of bricks and then ties at your ankles as you try to run to it. Imagine that. Trying to run with a ton worth of bricks tied to your ankles. And when you finally reach that finish line you feel like an eternity has passed. And that's exactly how I feel. Like every time I can't say I love you to Aaron, I'm being dragged behind by bricks. But I can feel I'm getting closer to it because, now, every time I'm with him its like I'm inches away from that finish line. Like the words are going to burst right out my mouth.

When I wake up, Aaron and Emma are sitting around me in their pajamas watching TV.

"Morning Princess. "Aaron says without even glancing at me. I give him the weirdest look.

"How the fu-"

"Watch that sentence Princess. Every since you hung out with us, you've been cursing like a trucker. Now redo that sentence with lady like words. " He says. I can see the wide smile in his cheeks.

"How the fudge sickles did you know I was up?" I ask slowly and as bitterly as I can. I sit up and stare straight at the side of his face. He looks back and gives me an innocent smile.

"You snor really loud the second you wake up. " My rise heats up in embarrassment.

"Seriously?" He nods and smiles. He then proceeds to boop my nose with his finger.

"You're just so cute. " He says to me like I'm a little baby. I swat his finger away.

"I'm not cute. " I mumble crossing my arms and pouting.

"You guys are just too cute. " We both look at Emma who looks at us with adoration.

"Oh god. " I whisper to  myself and put my hands over my face from the embarrassmentrushing to my face.

"You have matching rings ?" I slowly pull my hands from my face and look at aaron. Who's embarrassed now?

"Yup. " I say smiling and wiggling my hand that the rings on. Aaron looks at me pleadingly. I just give him an innocent smile.

"Aaron had bought us matching rings with the date we first met engraved in it. " I take it off my finger and lean over to pass it to her. She grabs it and twists it in her fingers.

"That's so cute. " She says and passes it to me with a broad smile. I slip it back onto my finger.

"Hear that cutey patootie. " I mimick to him in the same baby voice and pinching his cheeks. He swats my hands away and rolls his eyes despite the smile on his face.

"Hey, let's go to the corner diner for some breakfast. Nobody will be there anyways so we can go in just pajamas. " Aaron suggests. I look at Emma and she looks at me. We then look at Aaron, who has a confused expression, and nods. He slowly nods back and gets up. I go to get up too but then realize I'm still in my underwear. I wait until Emma gets out to finally get up. Like if he already knew, he passes me one of his sweatpants and hoody set for me to put on.

"How did you know I wanted your clothes?" I smile at him while grabbing the clothes and beginning to dress as he dresses in a similar set.

"I didn't. I just love when you wear my clothes. The fact that its baggy on your small frame is sexy. " He says smirking and pulling on his shirt. I can't help but stare at his masculine body. In my opinion my frame isn't small. I still believe I'm fat, but as long as Aaron loves me as I am I think I can accept myself a little more.

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