Chapter 18

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***Aaron's Point Of View ***

These two weeks went by so slow. Madison still doesnt talk to me, and my therapy sessions piss me off. The only good things here was the support of my friends, Emma, and Marley. That's it. Everybody left two days ago, except for Brian. He's staying another day, and so is Madison because of the incident. But we all exchanged numbers and promised we'll meet up soon. So right about now I'm changing into my regular clothes since I leave in exactly 54 minutes. Which would be 4:01pm. To say I am exited is an understatement. I haven't seen Madison since breakfast and I'm pretty sure me leaving would be a big pleasure to her anyways.

At exactly 4:00 I sprint out of my room and to the front office, but when I get there i slow down at the sight. Marley is arguing with two doctors and Emma is hysterical. I walk slowly up to them so I can listen in.

"Are you that stupid to let a girl go to just anyone who is willing to pick her up?!??!?!?"

"Marley calm down. Foster care can't pick her up at a mental hospital today, you have to wait a week. We just simply don't have room for this girl to stay another week, let alone money to provide to her. "

"Ugh you guys just make me sick. Right about now I want to jump over this desk and rip out your a-". Before this could escalate any higher than it already is, I interupt Marley.

"Marley , is there any way I can yah know, be the guardian of Emma ?" I ask without really thinking. Everybody looks at me shocked, including Emma.

"Well,uhhh, let me check on the state website. " A few minutes pass by as Market types abnormally quick at the computer keyboard.

"Ah Ha! There we go. Here. See ,"she says showing us the computer screen. We all crowd around and look at it.

"By law, any child below the age of 16, who is not wanted by any family member can immediately be fostered by anybody over the age of 16. Go to your local court to fill out papers for custody... So basically Aaron, your answer is yes, you can gain custody of Emma. Just go to court like tomorrow and fill out some paper work. " I nod and we all look at Emma. I stare into her eyes and she runs up to me and hugs me tightly. I bend down and hug her back.

" Thank you so much Aaron. I owe you my life. "

"You owe me nothing. Now let's go. If you want we can go shopping today to get you some new clothes. " I sat suggestively. She nods and I smile at her. I wrap my arms around her shoulder and wave.

" Bye marley. I'll miss you. "

" I'll miss you too Aaron. Call me if you need anything. Oh and I put my number in your phone. " I nod and walk away with a final wave.

When we open the door outside Emma let's out a painful scream. I look at her as she hugs me tightly. I ignoring all the weird looks I bend down and cup her face.

"What's wrong Emma?" I ask worried.

"I-I I'm sorry. I just-just, umm... I'm just scared of the cold. My parents usually put a collar around me and chained me to a fence in a junkyard 5 blocks away because they didn't want their friends to see their disgrace of a daughter. " She says bitterly. I can notice all the hatred in her voice.

" Don't worry Emma. Tomorrow in court I'll tell the judge all about them. You don't need to see them anymore. Oh and please don't be scared of Madison's pit bulls. They're body guards practically, but they're trained not to attack unless she tells them to. Bu--- HOLY COW SHIT!! MADISONS PITS!! THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS NEEDED TO TAKE CARE OF THEM!!" I yell loudly. Everybody stares at me with fear. Even a mother grabs her sons hand and pulls him away. I grab Emma's hand and start running to my car.

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