Chapter 24

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I wake up to see Adam and Klein hovering over me with worried faces. I go to get up but immediately hold my head in pain.

"What happened?" I ask with a groan. "You passed out. " Klein responds. I raise an eyebrow. I don't even remember. I usually do. And as if Adam read my mind, he responds.

"After he said he had more girls you passed out,not from axiety though. This time is because you held your breath in. " He says , giving a light little laugh at the end.

"This is such bullshit. " I say crying tears I never knew were coming.

"Get away from her !!" I hear Robert bark at them. They immediately scramble away. He didn't notice the split little second Adam held a my hand for reassurance. They stand in front of him like obedient soldiers.

"Kennedy is escorting you from here for 48 hours. He will follow every move. Now go!!" They walk away hesitantly. I feel  unprotected without them. Robert then smirks at me and presses a butoon on the door and talks into it while still keeping eye contact. I immediately sit up. I know that smirk. Something is coming. Or should I say someone or some people.

Next thing I know 7 girls in just their underwear come into the room. Only two with red tear stained faces and cloths covering their mouths. The other 5 seem like prostitutes. I can tell by their face they've been taking drugs and it wasn't forced on them. They seem to be enjoying this too.

"Jay, Asher, why don't you meet Madison. She's just like you guy's. " He says smirking. I can feel a twist in my stomach. I look at their arms and see multiple cuts and scars. That's it.  I jump up from my bed and practically run to him.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD !! HOW DARE YOU !! I WANT TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!" I scream while punching him as hard as I could repeatedly. He huffs from pain a few times but then gets annoyed and picks me up from under my shoulders and walks with me. I try to move my arms but fail since he's literally holding wear my shoulder bone is located. He places me on the bed. This time I try to fight back. I scream and kick but he just pins me to the bed and trys to put the arm and leg straps in me like back in the hospital.

"GABY, JENNA, BRI ! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE AND HELP ME!!" The three girls run up and two get my arms and on gets one leg as Robert gets the others. The two at my arms start laughing.

"Oh look, she is just like Jay and Asher. Hard time in paradise baby doll ?" She asks with a fake pouty face. They all laugh and finish strapping me in. I try once more to struggle out but notice there's no use.

"Strip her. " Robert says to them and takes a step back. No. No, no no. I begin crying as they start to remove all my clothing.

"Not so tough after all huh?" The one that strapped in my leg mocked.

I'm left in only my underwear. A lace pink bra and matching thong. They had to cut off my pants and shirt because of the straps on me.

"Aw baby, you're even more perfect now. All I needed was hair to pull but I'll make do. " He says making me shiver in disgust. He walks over and the girls move away from him. He hovers over me and I try to move my arms again to try to push him away pur it's no use.

"Let's start the party. " He whispers in my ear. I scream as loud as I can hoping somebody would hear. He groans loudly.

"Drug her!" He barks out. In seconds somebody grabs my arm roughly and inserts what feels like a needle in my arm. I start to feel dizzy and in seconds my lights are out...

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