Chapter 4

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Author note- the video is the song in this chapter. (If you don't like rock music don't listen. )
It started out as one love one passion

Now it's bursting out into a chain reaction

My sinful deeds I will never confess!

This dead man will make out to be a useless witness

This is just what we wanted which is why it feels so right

Cut slice dig as deep as you can

Look into her eyes and know his blood is on your hands

My new lead is the reaper, and my anger is my scythe

Together we will make this life

Together we will hide!

To Play Hide And Seek With Jealousy by Famous Last Words played as my school alarm rung. Ughhh Mondays suck butt. I turn off my alarm and notice that Aaron isnt in bed. Weird. Then I notice that the shower is running. Aaron probably got up earlier. I got up and picked out my outfit for today. A Pierce The Veil hoodie that's white with black letters and a black dream catcher, black skinny jeans, and my white converses. Once my outfit is picked out I place it on my bed and I hear the water being turned off. When Aaron gets out of the bathroom he's in just a towel. His hair and chest has little water droplets running down them. And that's when I notice that he has a big scar in the middle of his stomach.

I just stared at him for what seemed like a eternity but was really like a minute. I hear someone cough and I look up to Aaron smirking. great just great. **SARCASM**  now he knows I was checking him out in just a towel. "Take a picture Madi it will last longer babe. " I blush even harder and look down. I run into the bathroom and quickly strip out of my clothes and jump into the shower. I quickly wash my body, brush my teeth, and wash my face and get out the shower. I wrap my towel around me and walk into my room. I notice that Aaron is gone and Pinky is fed because he has a big lump and the mice and tongs are gone. Also he probably took care of Bambi and Miko because they are surprisingly gone. I quickly get dressed and comb out my hair and apply some mascara and lip gloss. I grab my phone and run down the stairs. Its 7:45 so we have an hour before school starts. When I walk into the living room Aaron is leaning against the door with black skinny jeans, a black grey and white Pierce The Veil crewneck, and black converses. And let me tell you he's looks beyond sexy. wait......what. He smirks and me and says," We have like a hour until school so let's get some McDonald's breakfast. my treat." I smile really big because I absolutely love McDonald's breakfast. I run and grab my keys and black bookbag off the counter and run towards the door, grabbing Aaron in the process. I lock my door and pass Aaron my car keys. "Wow you must be hungry." He smiles at me. I pat my stomach and nod. When we get in the car and head towards McDonald's I get a mcgriddle and Aaron gets pancakes. when we receive our food we park the car in the parking lot and eat in the car and listen to music.

We get to school about 25 minutes later. I check my phone and notice it's 8:22. we have 23 minutes left. I'm early but never this early. I usually get here at 8:35 and sit in the art room, which is my first period, and start drawing while kids start getting to class. We get out the car and I stare at Aaron nervously. He walks over to my side and puts my keys in my bookbag. As we walk into the school he grabs my hand and gives it a slight squeeze. I look up and he gives me a reassuring smile. I give a small smile back and keep walking. As we keep walking I hear things like, 'she's such a whore' 'what does Aaron see in her' 'why is Aaron with a girl like her' 'Aaron is just trying to play hard to get. he totally loves me' That last comment I recognized as Violet, the most popular girl in the school, and the schools slut.

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