After After

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Madisons POV at 92 years old***
I stand in the middle of my art room and slowly hobble to my gallery dedicated to my lovely husband of 65 years. I look at the first one, a sketch of him sleeping when we were 19. How i miss those days. when we used to run around without care and be able to do so much without getting out of breath. I still love to watch him sleep. He looks so peaceful, but the time is near. When one day one of us wouldn't wake up from our slumber and would be cold forever. Nomore walks in the park. No more children visits. Nothing. Well be out of reach from the world.
With a sigh i look at the hundreds of others of him. He was my inspiration, even after i became a paramedic, to continue drawing. Theres one of him in his football uniform holding the twins when we were in college. We were in the apartment and he had an hour before he had to go to his game. So naturally he was helping me with the twins so i can have some down time. Something about the way he was holding our babies made the moment more perfect than the other. That sketch took an hour and a half to do, he ended up running 10 extra laps around the football feild that day. There are so many beautiful moments, i cant even name one specific moment that was the most special to me.
I remember our wedding. How fun it was even though there was no family there. It was a small ceremony, being only the boys and their fiancées, but it was fun. And our honeymoon was their vacation too, pregnant and all. We stood at a 5 star hotel, went to the beach, went to a spa, shopped, and drove around Australia.
A tear slips out of my eye as I remember my past life. He was my star. My sun. My moon. My entire universe. He still is. I love him more then anybody else can. More than anybody else ever would have. Through all our hardships we kept each other sane despite our setbacks. We have three beautiful children and thousands of beautiful memories nobody can take away. Memories that would never fade from my memories.
I slowly sit down on my rocking chair in front of a box of CDs and a small travel size DVD player. I open up the player and turn it on. The tray pops open and I dump all the CDs on the desk. I rummage through them until I see one that Aaron took himself; I've only seen it once more than 60 years ago. I put it in the player and wait for it to load.
In a few seconds the blue screen turns black then me and my babies pop up on the screen in the kitchen baking cookies. We're in our pajamas, hair crazy, and flour covering our bodies.
"What's going on in here?" His voice so perfect and rough. He walks closer to us and the laughter gets louder.
"Okay Baylar, put your cookies on the sheet to bake. " The girls were 14 here and Baylar 6. They all came out so gorgeous. Baylar as handsome and charming as his father.
"Babe, what going on here? It's 2 o'clock in the morning. " His lips meet mine and I can feel the smile spread on my face remembering this all over again. Feeling the moment come to life. As if it was happening right now.
" They woke me up to bake cookies. " I say with a wide smile. Aaron walks around and zooms in on all our cookies. Mine are smiley faces. Lily's are hearts. Baylars superhereo symbols and Riley's peace signs. I watch as Aaron's hand grabs the bag full of flour, turns around, and dumps it on my head. I laugh and my younger self screams in shock. Lily screams food fight and next thing I know we were all grabbing food and hurling it at each other.
This went on for 12 minutes, for only two of those twelve minutes the camera was held, the other ten it was sideways on the floor showing our feet running around. The screen goes black again.
"Madison, I love you. I will always love you. You can listen to this whenever you get lonely and remember me. Remember our beautiful family. I love you so much Madison. I really do. I'm giving you a kiss right now. You may not feel it but I am. I'm right there next to you Madison. Remember that. Love you babe. "
That's the last thing because the screen turns blue again, ejecting the cd. A pang hits me hard in my chest. I wince out loud and try to get up myself, feeling my bones grow weak. I force myself up and head down the hallways to my room. I open the door and breathe in the smell of Aaron's cologne. I can feel my mind shutting down. I hobble over and slowly lean down on my bed.
Everything's shutting down.
My body.
My mind.
But not my love.
Love will never die...
This is the very last chapter of TMBBATM. Please stay tuned for the sequel and if you would like to make me a new cover please feel free to message me so I can give you an email to submit it to me in. Thank you for everything!

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