Chapter 14

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***Aarons Point Of View***

Once I slipped on her shirt, I ran downstairs to retrieve the ring I bought her. It was a real gold wedding band ring, but it had the first day we met carved into it, with a heart and an infinite sign. I love Madison. I truly do. She's the one for me. At first I just thought I had to protect her. She seemed so frail and broken, like my sister. Then I noticed that I couldn't last a day without her. She was mine and I had to have her all to myself. Every time I broke our trust, she always forgave me, but she always distanced herself. Shes scared of her feelings, and I can't blame her. I am too. I can't bare to see her leave me.

I walked back into the room and didnt see her. I looked around, but I heard a gasp coming from down the hall. I look to see Rileys door open. I walk quickly and peer in. There sitting on the floor with shaky shoulders was Madison reading the newspaper. The newspaper that held my biggest secret. Something nobody knows about me. Not even Dylan or Mark. This was why I stopped trusting, why I became a "mystery", why I became troubled in school(Why I was kicked out of football, and became a "bad boy"), and why I dont like seeing Madi broken. She's reading about the murder. She looked up suprised, with tees coming down her face. I looked at her with glassy eyes. I could feel the tears coming down my face. I looked back up and replaced a sad look with a cold, hard, icy glare.

"Get out. " I said lowly. She looked suprised. She can't see me like this.

"I said, GET OUT!!" I yelled too her. She got up quickly, obviously scared of my tone. I feel bad. As she passed me I heard her breathing deeply and it was uneven. Shit. I backed out the room and saw her running down the stairs, her long curly hair flying. I heard her muffled cries and her breathing. She needs to calm down. I walked quickly to the staircase when I heard multiple loud bangs. I ran to the staircase to see Madison faced up, at the bottom of the staircase, bleeding from her head. I ran down the stairs and bent down next to her. I picked her up in my hands and shook her.

"Madi wake up! Dont leave me! Please dont leave!" I yelled at her limp body. A warm tear fell down my cheek. Her breathing became lighter, but before it stopped she opened her eyes and said, "I love you Aaron." Then her eyes shut and her boy was lifeless. No! no, no, no! She can't leave me! She can't ! I let her body down and ran to my house phone. I dialed 9-1-1 with my bloody hands. The dispatch picked up right away. I yelled in a panick into the phone, giving her my address and a quick summary of what happened. I hung up immediately and ran back to Madison. Her breathing wasn't enough. Just barely. I quickly ran up the stares and grabbed two hoodies and my jeans. Running back down the stairs I see the ring. I pick it up and shove it in the jean pockets. I slip on my jeans and a hoodie. Holding the other one for Madison, when shes in the hospital. When I hear he ambulance, I pick her up bridal style, and head towards the door. When I open it the ambulance just parked in the street. The paramedics came running out and opened the trunk of the ambulance. Wasting no time. I got into the trunk and put madi on the stretcher. The paramedics began to poke her with needles and tsrating saying things that weren't plain English.

At the hospital they rush her out and I follow. Running with them towards the ER. At the door the guards hold me back. I try running past but the hold me back. This pisses me off.

" Get the fuck off me!! Madison is in there!! Let me get to her!!" I yell trying to run past. Two of the guards lift me up holding me tightly. I hit the other ones back with as much force as I can but obviously he's on steroids. They set me down in the waiting room in the corner. I look up at the furiously, but they seem like they've been through this a hundred times.

"Listen man, please don't make this harder on yourself. Yes your girlfriend is in critical condition, I saw the blood. But please don't make a seen. The doctors will tell the news about her when she's in stable condition. I've seen worse, but most of them come out alive, but not all. Now, is she a fighter?"


"Your girlfriend, is she a fighter?" I smile a little. I remember every time we fought with each other, how much she just held herself together to stay mad at me. Not to mention, she fights her inner demons everyday. She's my little fighter.

"Yes, she is. "

"Then she'll make it through. Just please don't make a big commotion. " I nod to the guard who was talking to me and they both leave. I sigh and take a seat on the bigger couch. I think about what just happened. What would've happened if I hadn't told her to go? Would she have found out still?

It's all my fault. And that's how I truly feel. I fight my inner demons everyday. It might not seem like it but I do. I'm a "player", because I use girls to try to forget. But it never works out. It's my own form of destruction, instead of cutting myself. I think about ending it all everyday. But I never brought myself to do it. But today I truly deserve it. My madi might be gone tonight all because of me. And what doesn't leave my mind as I move the ring box in my pocket is, why would she waste her last breath just to tell me, a nobody, she loved me?

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