Chapter 5

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I wake up a little before my alarm. I notice that Aaron and Brent have their arms secured around my waist. just great ***SARCASM**** I'm laying on my back so I turn my head to the left so I'm facing Brent. he looks so peaceful and cute. And his chest, don't get me started. I turn my head to face Aaron. he even looks hot asleep. he has messy hair and is breathing heavy. his mouth is also parted slightly. I hear the door creak and I lift my head up to see Josh. He looks at me and smirks. I roll my eyes at him and mouth 'help me'. He smiles and comes over to the bed. He unlatches Aaron's arm then Brents and holds them both up so I can move. I crawl under the arms to the end of the bed and hop out. "Hey Madison move Brent towards Aaron so they can look like they were cuddling and we can take a picture," Josh whispers mischievously. I nod and start pushing Brent towards Aaron. Josh pushes Aaron towards Brent. The two sleeping bodies meet in the middle. We place their arms on each others waist and laugh at them. They look so cute. "Grab your phone and I'll get Dylan and Mark." I nod and go to my tv to receive my phone. When I turn around I see Mark and Dylan holding in their laughter. I guess they wake up early. I walk over to them and say a quick good morning. They say a good morning back and kiss my cheek. I swear these boys are so cute and different when they aren't in school. I unlock my phone and click on my camera. the boys do the same and soon we're taking random photos of us, Brent, and Aaron. After a 5 minute montage we decide to make some breakfast since its like 5 in the morning. My alarm doesn't ring until 7 but I wouldn't be suprised if they woke up at 6:30. Me and Mark make pancakes,eggs, and bacon. To my suprise Mark didn't burn my house down or the food. We start eating out breakfast and hear screaming upstairs. only 40 minutes. pretty good. We hold in our laughs and put on our best normal act. as if we didnt do anything wrong. We then hear footsteps running down the stairs. We are then confronted by a very angry Aaron and Brent.

"WHAT THE FUCK," they say in unison.

"I don't know what you're talking about. what happened?" Josh asks innocently.

"YOU BASTARD," Aaron yells at him.

I accidentally let a giggle out and Aaron and Brent turn to me with mischievous looks.

" what did you do madi," Aaron asks dangerously.

"ummm nothing, nothing at all," I say suspiciously. great now my cover is blown. they start walking fast towards me. I gulp and get off the table. I walk away slowly and they start running towards me. shit. I run around the kitchen and dining room in circles until Aaron catches up to me and tackles me to the floor and starts tickling me. I laugh in hysterics. When he's done tickling me I calm down and everybody is looking at me and smirking. I look down and notice my shirt is passed my stomach and is just beneath my boobs. I blush and push my shirt down.

" I liked that view of your butt earlier Madi but I think this one is a little better. and by the way nice thong," Josh says winking. I blush and I curse my shirt and black lace thong.

"yeah that shirt suits you just fine," Dylan says wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at him and murmur a 'Fuck you' and resume eating my breakfast.

We finish eating breakfast at 6 and we decide that today we're not going to school because we don't want to get ready also who likes school. Man these boys are awesome. I have never been late or absent ever. But I could care less.

it's still pretty dark outside so we decide to play spin the bottle. Before playing Aaron decides to make it like the someone's getting naked challenge. So if you deny to tell the truth or do the dare you take off one peice of clothing. once your up to your underwear and you deny to do something one more time you lose. so we all have 2 chances because the boys decided to put a shirt on just to match me. Mark spins the bottle first and it lands on Dylan. "Okay Dylan truth or dare?"

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