Chapter 23

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We all look and my breath catches in my throat. Now I'm scared shitless. Literally everything stopped in place except that evil man I wanted to forget forever. Robert. That bastard who took all my innocence away from me. Leaving me broken. He walks up to me and I start to stage myself backwards.

"No ! Stay away! Don't touch me!" I try to shout but my voice cracks at every word I say.

"Oh Macy Wacy. I love your pathetic begging. " He says and smiles menacingly. I try to keep going backwards but I feel the blood rising up my throat. I stop scrambling away and start choking up more blood.

"WHO THE FUCK TOUCHED MY GIRL?!" Robbert shouts.

"Gil. " Kennedy says seriously. I watch as Robert pulls out a gun and shoots Gil. Gil falls over and lays bleeding out on the floor. I don't flitch or anything. I don't even feel bad. Crazy,  I know. He puts the gun back in his jacket and walks up to Kennedy.

"Why did Gil touch her?" He asks calmly. Kennedy looks at me from the corner of his eye and smirks.

" She slapped him because he insulted her. " Robert nods and turns around and smirks at me.

"Play nice Macy Wacy. Next time I won't keep my boys on a leash." I noticeably shiver and I can feel my breath become uneasy.

"Carlos, go get me two chairs." He says sharply. A man comes out of the little circle and grabs two chairs from the side. He opens one right behind Robert and the another right across from him. Robert sits down and looks at me.

"Sit." He says like if I was a dog. I was too frozen to move or even talk. He sighs dramatically and snaps at me.

"Adam, get her." Adam walks over to me slowly and picks me up from my position. He softly throws me over his shoulder and walks over to Robert. I still don't bother to move. I have to focus on my breathing or I won't be going anywhere. He places me on the chair and hesitantly walks away.

"Ready to play Macy Wacy?" He says rather nastily.

"I'm not your toy." I manage to choke out.

" Oh, but don't worry Macy Wacy, I have more girls we can play with."


This was a very short chapter, but I felt like I needed to update already... so, SHABANG. Here's another chapter for the story. Not sure how it's going to go after this, but I'm just typing whatver pops up in my mind at the moment.

Okay so down to buisness, Robert was Madison's rappest when she was younger. Macy Wacy was what Robert had called her. This is all in Chapter 7!!!

I'm probably going to update soon, so stay tuned!! :D

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