Chapter Fifteen: Temptations Stranglehold

Start from the beginning

Ben's breathing had sped up as he pictured making love to her. "I definitely agree."

"Good. Because that book belongs to my father, you should find one for us to keep in the bedroom. I have given consideration to sharing a bedroom. Owen explained that some couples sleep apart." Her eyes caught his. "I do not wish us to follow that practice... unless you snore loudly."

He knew the subject would be discussed until she was satisfied. His father had taught him how important it was to give your wife's ideas full consideration. It was a sign of respect. "I have not been told that I snore. Do you?"

She giggled. "Do women snore?"

"My mother does. Nevertheless, my parents share a bedroom each night."

A smile lit her eyes. "Good, then it is settled. We shall visit a book store and see what we can find. Later, I wish to see your bedroom. There are many uses for pillows."

He stared at her and knew that their marriage would not wait a year. If they continued conversations such as these, they would have a child by then. In an act of survival, he grabbed the letter and began to read.

The men across the hall sound as if they are having fun. There is laughter and I would like to take part. After I have unpacked my clothing, I will go and introduce myself.

Yesterday, I received my class schedule and later this afternoon I must go to the library to obtain my books. I am hoping that my studies will keep me busy with less time to dwell on how much I miss you. My father said being told you may not do something always makes the heart want it more.

It may not be possible to mail this to you, but one day we will share them. Here, in the privacy of my thoughts, I can say I love you. My fear is that you will not love me back. That only leave hope that you will eventually share my love.

My father also taught me that kindness leads to affection and eventually love. It is hard not to think kindly of someone who shows support and affection. This is what I want for us. Time will build our relationship into a deeper union. Affection is how my parents have remained happy. More than anything, I wish to make you happy. You have my heart, I only ask that you protect it as I protect yours.

I've often wondered how you will be raised concerning our marriage. One day, we shall talk about it.

Speaking to you like this has helped me feel close to you. I trust that we will get past this separation and plan for our future.

All my love,


He set the letter down and then raised his eyes to see her response to what he had written. His mother had warned him not to suffocate her with the love he felt for her. She feared after years apart it would scare her.

Vivian stood and once again walked around his desk until she stood beside him. "Make room for me." He scooted his chair away from the desk and she immediately sat on his lap. "Tell me again, Benny. Tell me while you kiss me, how much I mean to you."

His arms automatically wrapped around her waist to hold her close. He knew she wanted the romance of it, like she did when she received the flowers. His mother said she wanted to hear that she was loved and it was his father's job to tell her often. This first time should be special.

He reached down and took her hand in his. "Each time we have been apart for any time, I've reminisced about the things we've shared. You were such an adorable child but, even then, I saw you differently than a child because to me you were so much more.

"When I grew older, I tried to imagine what you would look like when you were grown. But my imagination did not do you justice. You have not only become a beautiful woman with a brilliant mind, you also have wisdom and a very curious mind about the world."

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