"I heard the maknae line talking about their crushes and whatsoever dirty stuff, he mentioned about you...he's still a kid, and as far as I know...he's scared of rejection--"

"But how would he know that I would reject him?!!"

"You're right...he's not going to hide under his shell forever...you know that saying??...You'll only notice the importance of that person when you lose him/her..."

*end of flashback*

That's right...

I want you to know my importance Jeon Jungkook...

So in order for you to know that...

You'll have to lose me first...


"Fuck you! Get your fucking ass out here now!!! PARK JIMIN!" I yelled as soon as I went out of my car. I'm here at their dorm and just thinking of his face makes me hate him even more.

The lights turned on when I banged the door multiple times. It's night time but I don't care

Hoseok was the one who opened the door for me but I pushed him aside and barged inside.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU PARK JIMIN?!!" I screamed. I was about to run upstairs when Jimin faced me.

His hair was messy and his eyes are somewhat puffy. He looked like a total description of "MESS"

The sound of my palm making contact with his face echoed the four corners of their dorm.

That's right..

I slapped him...

He deserves it..

His eyes watered instantly after what I did. I was about to attack him again when Namjoon and Jin came to me and pulled me back.

"She begged! She fucking pleaded for you to stay just for 2 days!...BUT YOU CAN'T EVEN DO IT!!!" I screamed, almost all of the boys are here, darting us with confused looks.

"SILYBIL huh?? Said I love you but I lied?? well then let me tell you this...SAID I LIKED YOU FOR HER! BUT I WAS WRONG!" I yelled and threw him the crumpled paper he gave Rosé yesterday.

"I may not know what your reason for doing this...but let me tell you this...I don't want you near Rosé...you understand me? Stay away from her!" He fell on his knees before reaching for my hand.

His eyes was puffy, his hair was messy and endless tears never fail to escape his eyes. I felt a small pang on my chest when I saw his situation.

He was sobbing loudly and he couldn't even utter a word.

Taehyung came to him and concealed him.

"N-Noona...I'm sorry... I-Im so sorry...I promise...I'll fix this" I heaved a deep sighr before crouching down and faced him.

"Don't promise me...do it" I took off his hands from mine before going outside. I heard Jin's footsteps so I faced him.

"We're flying to Australia tomorrow"

"W-What?" He asked before taking a step back and giving me a confused look.

"We're flying to Australia--"

"I know...I heard it the first time...but why?" He looked so lost and his eyes immediately turned sad so I decided to look away.

"Something personal..."

"W-What about us?" My brow creased after hearing his words. My hands trembled and despite the cold weather I can feel my palms sweating.

"What about us Jin?"


"Us? I was in this because of some stupid contract---"

"But I wasn't!" I flinched after hearing him shout. His eyes was bloodshot red and his gaze never left mine.

"I wasn't in here because of some stupid papers! I was in here because I like you ! I stayed, because I love you!" My knees went weak after hearing his response.

I want to hug him...

I want to kiss him...

I want to stay with him...

But now is not the right time...


I WAS LITERALLY CRYING U GUYS!!! I can't believe my story reached this far T______T

This story will be finished no matter what because I already wrote the plot for this story so nothing to worry about guys!!!



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