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Grayson's POV

"What the bloody hell do you mean she is in hiding!?"

"Exactly what we just said."

"That's not fair Ada. You can't come here and say that without an explanation." Will stood up, his arms folded across his chest as he glared at Alexina's parents.

"Oh I'm sorry William but do you want to know what else isn't fair?" Ada asked as she raised an eyebrow, its clear everybody else is intimidated by her, even Brant. "Leaving my daughter on her own because you are too much of a little-"


Silence filled the living room as Xavier's voice echoed. Every person in the room shut their mouth and paid attention to the man infront of us.

"This behaviour is disgusting. We have a plan in order to free Alistair and bring Bennett back to-"

Hang on-

What the fuck?

So Alexina is in hiding?

Alistair is alive?

And now they want to bring Bennett back to life?

Bennett as in Bennett Valentine who is dead?

These elementals are crazy! This has to be the most ridiculous thing that our parents could think of.

Who in their right mind would do something like this?

"Alistair is training Alexina for the 'battle'" Malin's parents spoke up. "She isn't allowed to appear until we have got everything under control and that everybody is safe-"

"But what happens if she does come out?" Abigail asked, the most pathetic sounding voice of sympathy escaping her mouth. "Will she die?"

"We don't know." Xavier answered. "We don't have many answers right now. All I can say is that you should all prepare yourselves. That is if you want to fight. This isn't something you can walk away from like you would something else, this isn't your day to day life. This is a war. An ongoing war for centuries. You're not being forced, we just want you to know that if you're going to do this, prepare yourself."


What a motivational speech Xavier.

"And if we don't prepare ourselves?" I questioned.

My dad stepped forward, his face cold as he stared at all of us.

"Then the probability of you dying is higher than ever."

"Okay. I'm sorry but I call bollocks." Milani stood up, tying her short hair into a low bun. "Can you not see? This is a plan and has been for centuries!"

"Milani, sweetie-"

"Can it Ada!" Milani spat. "This is ridiculous! What happens if Alexina dies? What happens if she misses one spell?" She laughed to herself as she zipped up her jacket.

Is Milani right? I mean sure... this does seem like its been a plan for a while and who knows how much longer any of us are willing to take part in it.

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