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Alexina POV

"Come on, we're here now." Billy whispered as he nudged my arm.

That has to be the longest drive I've ever been on.

Xavier handed both me and Billy a torch. We took them and everything in the darkness suddenly became visible.

The grass in this place is still as tall as ever while you can still see the lake which is dried out.

"So where is it exactly?" Xavier asked.

"On the left hand side. Directly in the middle." I pointed towards the lake. "What's so special about this crystal Xavier?" I asked and he pursed his lips before stopping and turning to face me and Billy.

"The Crystal belongs to the most powerful supernatural being in the world." He answered.

"Who is the most powerful supernatural being in the world?" Billy wriggled his fingers trying to act all spooky and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'll stop speaking now." He frowned and I turned back to Xavier.

"Its George Alistair. He also happens to be the founder of your academy." Xavier squinted his eyes into the distance. "The man hasn't been see for a good while."

"Is he dead?" I asked as I took bigger steps through the grass.

"Nobody knows. Some think he is dead. Some think he is in hiding. Nobody will know until a clue is given otherwise." Xavier sighed as we hopped into the deep dried out lake and shone our lights onto the box.

Its still there in its glory. An invisible barrier around it courtesy of Malin. The wooden material embedded deep into the soil while Xavier stepped closer to it.

"There it is." Xavier sang as we stood behind him.

"Is it important?" I asked and Xavier turned to me and Billy. His eyes focused on the pair of us.

"Important? No. Powerful? Yes. In the wrong hands that crystal will cause utter destruction."

Well shit. I wasn't expecting that.


"Are you positive Lexi? This can be a really serious accusation that you're making." Malin spoke as she headed towards me and Abigail with the historical book in her hands.

"Of course I'm positive," I laughed. "I wouldn't have said it otherwise."

"But its a Professor." She stated. "I don't think that Headmaster Wells would be happy if he had someone like her teaching at the academy."

"People can hide their true intentions Mally. Just because they don't show it often, doesn't mean they aren't there." I informed her as Abigail opened the book and onto the page where all the information is about the Crystal.

I read over it, the language still not sticking with me. Why is it so hard to read?

Its not even written words, its symbols. Symbols of an alphabet I've never seen.

The door opened and Hudson walked in, TJ on his trail. The door closed behind them and I felt a frown form on my face as Grayson wasn't with them.

ALISTAIR ACADEMY: THE CRYSTAL OF HAVEN.Where stories live. Discover now