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Alexina POV.

I stumbled to my feet, using the wall for balance.

The lowest light giving me the most vague look of his face.

Not missing the stench of the underground from all of those months ago, I scrunched my face up before folding my arms.

How is this possible?

Why has he been in hiding for all these years? Is it Alexandor Windsor? Has he got something to do with it all?

The man everybody thought was dead is alive. All those years gone, what the hell has he been doing?

"I assume you have a lot to ask me?" He stepped forward. Taking my hand gently, I moved backwards and he closed his eyes. "I will not hurt you child."

"How are you alive?" I whispered and he stared at me softly.

"I never passed."

"But- the crystal, the Lake Rivera Massacre, Alexandor Windsor-" I blinked a few times before sighing and walking with him.

He reminds me so much of Xavier. His aura has the ability to calm you and comfort you in ways you don't expect.

"Bennett told me you saved him." I croaked. "Is it true?"

"Yes my child."

"How? I saw his body. I saw it." I answered. "Maggie Zinapoli killed him."

"No. She cast the spell, it worked for a split second before backfiring. I caught him before she cast the spell again." He spoke slowly as he moved his arm left to right, the wall we stood infront of, disappeared before he lead me through into complete darkness.

"Like I said Mr Alistair. I saw his body. Its impossible."

"Bennett told me you would refuse to believe any of it." He chuckled before spreading his arms wide.

The golden lights around us turned on, the vintage yet modern style of the room I'm in filling me with complete shock as I never expected his from someone so old.

"Call me Alistair by the way." He called out. Clicking his fingers in the direction of a closed door.

Its clear that it's locked and I shot Alistair a confused look at he walked over to it.


"Yeah right," I scoffed as I trailed my fingers down a golden vase.

"Six foot three? Pale skin? Brown eyes and curly hair? Tattoo of your first initial on his left wrist just like you do of his." Alistair smirked as he clicked his fingers again, the door unlocked and he gestured for me to walk in.

How the hell does he know all of that?

"How do you-"

"He is in that room kiddo. He can't see you, but he can hear and feel you."

"What if he-"

ALISTAIR ACADEMY: THE CRYSTAL OF HAVEN.Where stories live. Discover now