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Alexina POV

"Why do you always take forever?"

"I don't!"

"We have been sat here for nearly an hour waiting for you."

"Lexi, dont be daft. It was more like ten minutes." Milani deadpanned as she fastened her seat belt.

She really was an hour late. No exaggeration.

"Anyway..." she turned around to Abigail and Malin and began to clap her hands. "Are you guys excited?"

"No." They both answered causing me to laugh.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." Milani encouraged. "I'm going to make you two the sexiest girls in that place," Milani grinned. "You're both beautiful, its time you start believing it."

Milani turned around and leaned back into the seat. Her short dark hair is tied up effortlessly in a messy bun while she is dressed in blue ripped jeans and a bright yellow crop top, an oversized black shirt coating her.

I'm dressed in my usual black ripped jeans and hoodie while Malin is dressed in a blue and green checkered skirt and a blue top. Abigail is wearing a pair of grey leggings and a light green jumper.

All four of us jumped out of my car and once the doors slammed shut we all headed towards the ridiculously large shopping centre infront of us.

Milani had specifically requested this one as she thinks its better than all the others.

Human boys whistled as we walked past them, Milani being Milani giggled and winked back at them.

I ignored them while Malin fake gagged and Abigail rolled her eyes.

"Humans," Abigail mumbled under her breath in disgust before we walked through the doors and into the human filled centre.

"Milani- what the heck do you have planned for this?" I asked her in shock as I pulled her arm away and watched Abigail and Malin carefully. "They have social anxiety. You're going to worry them."

"Relax Lexi. I know. I'm testing the waters with them, they need to realise that not everybody is a bad person, public places are the best way to start." She informed me but I ignored her.

This isn't a funny game. Its serious. Nobody ever takes mental health seriously.

These girls have social anxiety because everyone they've ever known in a public place has been horrible to them. Not to mention that these people are humans that they will never see again, but of these people are horrible and rude, it won't drift away easily like it does with others, it will stay with them.

"Mil, this is a shopping trip. Not a therapy session. I get that you want to help but this isn't the way. Lets just find them some dresses and get out of here." I demanded before heading over to Malin and Abigail with a smile.

They smiled back at me with confusion and Milani walked over and pointed to the dress shop.

"Lets go."



"Absolutely not."

ALISTAIR ACADEMY: THE CRYSTAL OF HAVEN.Where stories live. Discover now