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This chapter is dedicated to Everchanging678
Connor is going to love
His new nickname!:)

Alexina POV

"Why does you're mum want Will to go with you? And not us?" Hudson asked as we walked through the corridors towards our next lesson.

Its been a little strange an awkward since my lovely mother told me to get Will. I have no problem with it, he is one of my closest friends but I'd rather know that I have someone there with some form of power like mine then just mind reading like Will.

Super sense is cool and it comes in really useful but he can't actually defend himself. So I'll be doing all of that while he tells me that 'the atmosphere in here is cold and dangerous Lexi. I can feel it.'

"I don't know Hudson." I laughed as Billy and Connor waved to us outside the classroom. "Why don't you ask her?"

"No!" Hs shrieked. "Your mum terrifies me," he defended. "Ada and Brant Valentine are the scariest people I know," he continued before we stopped outside the class only for other people to do the same.

Professor Chambers is having what seems like a very deep discussion or disagreement with Headmaster Wells.

People began to murmur and whisper, ideas about the converstaion began to echo through the hallway and I must say some of them are quite creative.

"Move. Get out of the way!" The familair voice of Lucian pestered people and I felt my body being shoved on different directions.

His body barged between me and Hudson, making me hit my shoulder against the door frame. Letting out a laugh as he turned to me, I glared at him, Hudson yanking Lucian backwards by his blazer collar and to face me.

Students stepped back and Lucian seemed unphased by his current position.

"Apologise." Hudson growled. He turned Lucian around so that he was facing me.

"It was a simple mistake Hudson. Let it go," Lucian laughed but Hudson only shoved him harder.

"Listen here Lucifer," Billy interviened and a few students let out low chuckles while some gasped. "I think everyone is sick of this fake ass, tough guy, manipulative, bullying, rude as fuck behaviour of yours."

"My name is Lucian!" He snapped and we all laughed.

"Thats what I said." Billy sighed before patting Hudson on the shoulder. "Maybe he needs roughing up. Thinking he can shove a girl and get away with it," Billy stepped forward, pulling his sleeves up while staring Lucian down.

How is Headmaster Wells missing this?

Fear covered Lucian's face as he saw the glint of evil in Billys eyes.

I'm not one for violence unless you are defending yourself completely. I understand that we are all incredibly close and I'm grateful for the boys defending me but sometimes they can be very over protective.

I would pay to see Lucian get his ass kicked, I do think will be me eventually because there is only so much someone can take of his behaviour.

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