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Alexina POV

Professor Chambers locked the classroom door,  his cup of tea sat on the edge of his desk.

He walked to the front of the desk, leaning back, his palms pressed against the desk, a sigh leaving his lips as he lifted his head up to look at me.

"What you're telling me is ridiculous Alexina." Professor Chambers informed me, I opened my mouth to speak but he held a finger up at me. "But... I believe every word of it."

My eyes widened as he finished off his sentence.

The reason I came to Professor Chambers is because I know he hates all of the Professor's here.

Especially Headmaster Wells.

He thinks that they can't be trusted but I think its more than that.

"You see Sir, Connor thought that it was originally one of Lucian Zinapoli's cousins who killed Bennett however rumor has it that its Maggie Zinapoli-"

"I wouldn't put it passed Margaret Zinapoli. She isn't the most pleasant lady in the world." He interrupted as he scratched the back of his head. "I think that you should be careful with this kid, you're playing with fire."

"Well then its a good thing that I'm the fire element." I answered as I threw my bag over my shoulder. "I'll get back to you if I have more news. Have a nice day Professor." I smiled before unlocking the door and leaving the class.

I know I can trust Professor Chambers with what I've told him. Professor Chambers is the only Professor in this academy.

Something about his aura around the other Professor's gives it away.

Ignoring my thoughts, I leaned against the lockers, a funny feeling inside of me beginning to brew.

Feeling my palms become sweaty, I began to pant, feeling my heart rate increase. Panicking is never good for these situations but for some reason I can't help but worry.

My anxiety grew bigger, my vision blurring as I frantically looked around, students bagn to stare at me, some seemimg worried. My back slammed itself against the wall, pain ringing through me as I squinted my eyes shut.

"Relax child."

What? Who the fuck is in my head!?

"Alex, calm down."

Bennett you fucker.

"Alex, listen, please just take a breath. I'm here, I'm alive, I'm well. I'm in a magical coma Alex. I was saved, Alistair saved me."

Bennett please leave. I can't take this anymore.

You're dead. You were murdered.

"Maggie Zinapoli did spell me, it worked but before I died Alistair found me."

Great. So it's true. Alistair is alive.

Bennett I swear to the heavens, I love you but please stop this.

"Valentine?" Someone yelled as I was lifted to my feet.

ALISTAIR ACADEMY: THE CRYSTAL OF HAVEN.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu