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Alexina POV

"Okay. So whats the plan?"

"We go in there. We tell Xavier what's happened."

"What else Billy?"

"I am not to utter a word." He groaned and I patted his shoulder and nodded my head.

"Well done Billy. I'm proud of you," I smiled and he rolled his eyes before opening his car door.

The Elemental Hall hasn't changed since we've last been here. Its very church like, it's old brick work, statues of Julius Rosewood, Bethan Holmes, David Valentine, Rory Cooper and Lillian Graham outside.

The fire symbol currently lighting the top of the hall meaning that my parents are currently inside the main hall.

"Who are you here for?" The human receptionist as she typed away on her computer.

As far as the workers here are concerned, Xavier is the CEO of a law firm.

It makes me laugh every time I think of it.

I mean, how stupid can you be? Nobody ever comes in here and because these people are paid a lot of money, they think they are better than everybody else.

Let me tell you that they are not.

"Xavier Rosewood." I answered and she turned to face me. Her blue eyes bulging out of her sockets as her blonde fringe hovered above them.

"Apologies but Mr Rosewood isn't available right now." She shot me a sly smile and I gritted my teeth, stopping myself from wiping the smile from her face.

"I'm Ada and Brant Valentine's daughter. Alexina." I pointed my finger towards Billy. "That is Sebastian and Miranda Holmes's son. Billy. Now may I please see Xavier Rosewood?" I smiled smugly at her before she turned to her computer.

I'm not sure that this woman realises that I will go up to Xavier's office. Even if she tries to stop me.

She pressed the button on the speaker she has before leaning forward, her plump lips hovering over it.

"Xavier I have Alexina Valentine and Billy Holmes here." She spoke through the speaker before holding up a finger to us.

"Send them up."


"Okay? That's all you've got to say? Okay!?" I shrieked as I gripped my chair. "Xavier. This Liani lady is trying to figure out information about other supernaturals!"

"Lexi, it may not be for the reason that you think," Xavier spoke softly.

He ran a hand through his thick grey hair as he leaned back into his chair.

I've explained to him what happened in lesson and that I'm not the only student that thinks Professor Liani is upto no good.

"Trust me Xavier. She isn't what she seems. She has this aura about her. She can't be trusted." I leanded forward, Xavier watched me with worried eyes as I turned to Billy.

ALISTAIR ACADEMY: THE CRYSTAL OF HAVEN.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن