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Alexina POV

"Having a power is a gift. It's what you would call amazement. Some people use their powers for good, some people use their powers for bad. But that doesn't mean they're good or bad people. It means they have a power and they're using it." Professor Chambers strolled around the hall, his words echoing loudly throughout it as we faced our opponents.

Hudson and I being elementals were put against shapeshifters as other magic doesn't work on us.

Malin has been put with Lucian, I was expecting her to protest but from the smirk on her face it means he is going to have the shock of a life time.

I've been partnered up with Jake Lanver. I've heard of his family, they have been shapeshifters for as long as anyone can imagine. They're known for being manipulative and merciless when it comes to their victims and others in general.

He seems nice, doesn't seem like an idiot. He seemed pretty excited when he was partnered up with me so we will see how it goes.

Hudson is with a shapeshifter called Finn and by the looks of it, he doesn't like him.

"Use your powers to make your opponent aware of who and what you are." Professor Chambers yelled. "You may start."

Stepping forward, I instantly forced a flame into my hand. Being careful with shapeshifters is a must. You never know what they're doing.

They could change into someone else and you wouldn't know.

Within seconds Jake had disappeared and I furrowed my eyebrows, turning around as I tried to find him.

"Fuck," Hudson groaned as he tripped over and fell flat on his face.

Finn appears from the ground and smirked at Hudson who was glaring at him.

Shooting his arm forward towards Finn, branches encircled him, his body began to fight against the force but struggled to accomplish anything.

Elemental magic is the strongest in the world. Nobody can fight against it.

"Set him on fire Alexina. Do us some good," Hudson suggested and I frowned as he spoke.

Hudson has never called me Alexina. He always calls me Lexi.


Laughing, I rolled my eyes before kicking him in the abdomen and connecting my fist to his jaw.

Shoving Jake against the wall, I kept my hand around his neck, the heat from my palm ensuring to leave a mark. He began to choke and struggle for his breath and I watched as he transformed from Hudson and back to his regular form.

Letting him drop to his feet, he caressed his throat and threw me a weak smkle.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Hudson has never called me Alexina."

"Hmm," he hummed before we diverted our eyes to Lucian who was sent flying across the hall.

ALISTAIR ACADEMY: THE CRYSTAL OF HAVEN.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें