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Alexina POV.

I sat myself down and watched the scene infront of me unfold.

Resting my legs across Will's knees, I leaned back. The most important thing for me is that Abigail and Malin are having fun, Milani is with them and they seem to be getting on great.

To say Grayson is rude is an understatement the same goes for Lucian. TJ is nice but he is a bit dopey.

Connor sat down infront of me, mischief sparkling in his eyes as usual.

"You don't look happy?" He pouted and I threw my straw at him.

He frowned before throwing a piece of ice but I quickly stopped it mid air and let it evaporate with my fire.

"Dude, those three guys are trouble." Will leaned forward, his arms resting on my legs. "That Lucian kid is a member of the Zinapoli wizarding family. One of the most powerful families in our world."

"He might be different," Connor argued and I shook my head.

"Dude. He bullies my roomates on a daily basis. I don't think he is different. His family, hates elementals. Plus, I don't think he is the problem." I groaned and Billy walked over with Hudson.

Both of their faces written with disgust as they walked back from Grayson and TJ.

"I don't like them." Hudson frowned as he folded his arms.

"Yeah, they're mean." Billy chimed in and I patted his shoulder while he sulked. "I don't like the fact I can't use my powers on him in an open space Alexina-"

"Dude you can make him choke on his drink!" Hudson jumped a little snd I started at them both in disbelief before leaning forward.

"Well Grayson is a vampire so I don't know what more you're expecting from him." I sighed as I'm quite upset that he is a dick.

I don't know what more to expect from a vampire if I'm honest. They hate us and we hate them.

Its not in an Elementals nature to be kind towards strangers, especially werewolves and vampires. But its not in a vampires nature to be kind to anyone, especially an Elemental.

You would think after centuries that we'd all learn to get along. But nope.

Like I've said before, Elementals are the most powerful families in the supernatural world. Vampires don't like that. They never have.

"Well blame Connor. He is roomates with Grayson and TJ. Lucian is their other friend." Hudson folded his arms. "This was meant to be fun guys. Instead we're swarmed with people who hate us."

"Its not my fault! I just want to make friends with people,"

"Connor, you know full well that being who you are doesn't give you the luck everyone else has with friends." Will smiled sympathetically.

"Connor. As good-looking as Grayson is, his charm doesn't work on everyone. He is a Vampire." I nodded my head slowly at Connor and he frowned before nodding his head.

"Malin and Abigail seem pretty cool," Hudson pointed over to my two roommates who are surrounded by humans.

"They are. Its a shame they segregated from everyone else." I glanced over and Billy clapped his hands catching all of our attention.

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