Operation: Iron Anaconda

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At the dawn of the century it is apparent that the main communist threat has finally reduced to minor terror and crime organizations.  But the communist sentiment has not died down.  Dima Koval, a field agent for the Soviet Ressurection Movement, or SRM.  His line of work is dirty business.  He was a former Spetsnaz soldier and a dedicated party supporter.  But after the fall he was adopted into the SRM and made a prime leader in the small but effective organization.

Koval is hell bent on dealing retribution to the democratic powerhouse that "destroyed" his once beloved country.  He wants revenge on the US.  While the US is becoming more focused on Middle Eastern issues revolving around kicked up radicalist activity, he stalks in the shadows, looking for an opening that will cause a bleeding gash.

Mason Kane, a new DoD field investigator, intelligence gatherer, and part of the Department's Special Activities.  He is fresh from Marine Recon paramilitary forces and ready for his first job.  The first job they gave him was supposedly easy so he could ease into the line of work.  The job was to monitor activities of the SRM, whom was a minor thorn in their side by setting up a crime infrastructure in the American black market.  Such activity was usual, especially amont he Red and Italian Mafiya.

it didn't take long for him to see what Dima was up to.  when he reports his findings to the DoD the intelligence community shivers.  when Dima mysteriously vanishes they send Kane in to route him out and stop him before his plane could be initiated.  His mission, dubbed Operation: Iron Anaconda, established monitoring stations worldwide with their own intelligence operatives.  they observed cash flow in the stock market, credit card transactions, security camera footage, and the works.

Kane running by himself, like others on the mission, took it upon himself to infiltrate the crime infrastructure.  As he delves further and further into the mission the more and more dangerous the situation becomes.

Koval realizes that he is on thin ice and it would be just a matter of time before they found him.  So he rushes his plan.  the time is now around late August, and the blocks in his plan are coming together.

Days creep by and Kane gets closer and closer, then IMINT specialized teams find him, and Koval is on the move.  It is early morning and Dima's men and him hijack air flights and aim them at important structures that would gash America's politics, intelligence, economics, and pride.

So we have to ask ourselves, what really happened on 9/11?

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