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Lets just say, I need to do the laundry soon, because my mascara was drenched on my pillow and my cloths were now stained with melted ice cream and red bull. Yes I'm that type of person who drink red bull and eat ice cream watching action movies.

The doorbell rang. "Fuck you." I mumbled.

"Open the door." I heard him say.
"No!" I yelled from my couch, I won't move a muscle.
"Matilda, open the door." He raised his voice and I am sure the neighbors heard him. "Harry, no." I yelled, so he could get the message and leave. "Matilda, if you didn't open the door in three seconds,I'll break it." Only harry styles would sound so angry yet in the same time maintained. "Then I dare you!" I said.

"Go away!"
"Stay away from me!"
"I hate you!"

The door was suddenly on the floor with Harry's red face, walking to me. Okay, I am going to admit that I was completely terrified, but I didn't care about that now, all I care about now, my broke front door.

"It's your fault you didn't open the door." Even if his face was tomato red like the cartoons. I didn't give a fuck. "My fault?! My fault?! It's my fault from day one that I agreed to meeting you! It's my fault that I want spend time with you! It's my fault trying to get to know you! It's my fault to get fired away from my work because what? Because I didn't agree to your stupid company or your stupid offer ! It is my fault that you broke my door and it's my goddamn fault to even like you!" I took a deep breathe, my cheeks were burning, my heart was pounding and I was sure that I lost my voice. "It's all my fault. " I mumbled. I was sure that I was crying, even if I didn't feel the tears on my cheeks or my burning eyes. All I did was looking at his face and his widen mouth. I know he is going to turn around and walk away, I know he is going to stay away from me. I know he is going to crush me and do that to me. I was naive and simple and just too normal for the millionaire guy.

He was dressed in black, from his t-shirt to his boots, his tattoos on his arms were showing and his eyes were cold. But his face was pale now, like somehow my words affected his frozen and cruel heart.

"You know what you need? You need a woman, not a stupid little girl. Good bye Mr dick. " I pushed him out of my apartment, he wasn't fighting, he just stood there outside the apartment for a minute, and I wished in that very moment; to have my fucking door to slam it at his face.

Question: do you like sassy Matilda? Or sweetheart Matilda?
Idk, I like sassy M. She's cool.

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