ch 24

138 5 3

"fuck, even when he looks beaten up, he looks too damn hot." I glared at Sarah looking then looking at harry in the hospital bed. I was on the chair next to him holding his hand stroking it so softly. She looked at me and then to him. Then mumbled a quick sorry.

When I arrived, the doctor said that he wasn't that badly injured, luckily for harry, the truck that hit him was from the passenger's seats but that didn't stop it from breaking Harry's left leg and his right arm. Also due to the shattered glasses. There was a small cut in his eyebrow and below his chin. Other than that he was completely fine. And I couldn't thank god more than him being okay. The doctor also said that there was a chance he was in coma, but today, this morning, when he opened his eyes and looked at me. He smiled and whispered my name then he closed his eyes again, of course, I called the doctor and nurses and they said that he'll be fine.

When Sarah left the room to get some food for us. I looked at him, sleeping so still and looking pale as ever. I started crying. It was all my fault. If I didn't invite him over and if he just went home, this wouldn't happened. But I thanked god anyway for him being alive and with me.

"Matilda? Why are you crying?"

his voice startled me, I wiped my tears with the hem of my t shirt and looked at him smiling.

"hey baby. Are you oaky?" I whispered to him, closing the distance between us till his breath was fanning over my face, I stroked his hair with my other hand, while gently squeezing his hand with my other one. He looked tired and really pale.

"I feel tired and thirsty." He said then he looked at me. this time, I started crying again. He frowned.

"please, don't cry. Baby, hey baby.. I'm alright. I'm okay."

I nodded trying to calm myself. I didn't intend on him seeing me cry like that. He closed his eyes. I mumbled his name panicking, he opened his eyes slowly. "don't worry Matilda, my head just Hurts." I nodded

"oh my god?! Is he dead?!"

Sarah's voice startled both of me and harry we looked at her. She sighted in relief realizing that he was awake. She wiped the imaginary swat on her forehead hen walked to us.

"god, madds, you scared the shit out of me. hey, harry. Are you okay?"

she scolded me then glanced to harry. Harry closed his eyes then smiled smugly .

"I'm not sure Sarah, I mean, I feel hot when I'm beaten up." He chuckled and I giggled at tomato Sarah.

"shush, I'm gay anyway."

Her cheeks were turning bloody red.

"are you sure?" he asked once more, then I started laughing really hard.

"well, yea." She nervously said. I looked at her with my eyebrows raised, knowing that she is not telling me something. She mumbled a wait to me and then we both looked at harry.

"you know," Sarah said after fifteen minutes of silent, I think harry was asleep by then. "you look really great together, I think you found your true love, Matilda" I blushed at her words then looked at harry. I think that too. Maybe he is my one and only.



i'm jumping up and down in my room for the 3k  like oh my god, thank u so fuckin' much. I JUST CANT ILYSFM.

also, thank u so much for voting and i want to thank @SheilaArroyo8 for supporting and voting for me. this chapter is dedicated to you.. you rock!

thank you :)x


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