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"What the fuck harry?!"

"You know that I am really sorry and I didn't intend to do this."
"Don't you dare to talk to me now in formal way!"
"I'm sorry."

Basically, I finally convinced harry to have a "vacation" day to rest his mind, he already said no but when I told him that if that, I wouldn't return to home and this won't work out and he should try harder.

Also, this day was consisted with three tragic parts. Tragic parts that I wished harry would return back to work

Part 1:
He put the white t shirts in laundry that was filled with colorful clothes. So now, my poor white shirts are now covered in black and blue. He called me for help and he didn't know what did he do wrong, to be honest I felt bad for him. He mentioned already before I told him to help me with my house, that he didn't know how to do the laundry.

"You. Out. Now." I mentioned him out of the bathroom. He pouted and walked out. "I'll do dinner." He yelled, already walking to the kitchen.I groaned. "Just don't burn the pasta!"

"I won't."

Part two:

He burned the Pasta. And I cried, no seriously I did. While I was at the bathroom, trying to get rid of the black and blue colors out of my clothes. I smelled a weird smell, but I shrugged it off since I trusted harry. Boy, was I regretted trusting him with cooking. After three seconds I saw smoke, and then I heard a scream. Scratch that -girly scream- I laughed. Laughed so hard that I cried. Because I didn't know that he could scream that girly. At first I doubted him that he brought a girl. But then I thought about it, he couldn't be that fast. And what kind of girl that go to a kitchen filled with smoke. Me.

"Harry, watch out!"
"I can't turn the stove off! "
"Move! You'll get hurt."
"No, you'll get yourself hurt!"
"Harry Edward Styles, move!"

And I'm glad to say that I got everything under control.

Part three was really unique kind of disaster.

Part three:

"I'm sorry."
"I'm really sorry, I'll buy you a new one."

I huffed. My baseball bat was in the t.v. Rightly through it. I didn't know how or why but, My poor small t.v is broken. And I was sad that I lost my most thing that entertained me the most. My poor t.v. I sighted.

We stood both in front of the t.v. In the middle of the living room. Harry looking pitiful and I look sad. We stood in awkward silence. Now my clothes are ruined and I'm in ripped old jeans with a rolled up sleeves blouse, my hair was in a messy bun,because it got frizzy from the smoke and heat from the kitchen, and I was hungry. Like really hungry.

"I'm hungry." I was the first to break the silence. Harry looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. Looking confused -and cute- like ever. Apparently, he didn't get the message. "For god's sake harry, invite me to dinner. Take me to KFC or McDonald. I'm hungry." I whined.

His mouth formed an 'O' and nodded.


When we arrived at McDonald -which harry never have eaten in there- he chooses the farthest table in the corner. It made me slightly and uneasy but I didn't mind. I wanted to eat.

We ordered and now we were waiting for our meals. I stared at harry, he looked mad or embarrassed or ashamed or the mixtures of them all. His face was red, he was looking around but me. I could tell he was bothered by wrecking my house. To be honest I didn't mind. I enjoyed every bit of today. Because first; harry was with me. second; Harry didn't damage quietly everything -except my t.v.- but it was alright.

"Hey." I grabbed his attention. He looked at me then he looked down at the table, as if he was ashamed little kid who ate candy behind my back.
"Harry." He finally looked.
"What's wrong."
"Nothing." He mumbled.
"Is it about the show you gave me awhile ago in the apartment." I giggled. his face was tomato red. "Oh come on. To be honest, it was quit cute. I admitted. He looked at me then his face broke into a smile then he laughed.

" I just.. I feel like I've failed." He emabressingly said.
"No, everyone does that, it's alright mr I'm so rich."
"I usually do things with myself. You went at my house before?"
Oh, right.
"Then how do you suck at that."
"Let's just say, that I'm good with technology." He teased. Damn it Mr I'm so rich.
"Don't you dare to offense my old machines." He raised his hands in defense. In that moment I saw our meals arrive. I couldn't be happier.

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