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freaking fucking shit.

So basically this is all started with me telling harry to take a free day and it all turned out to us in a heating argument.

"Matilda, I am not taking a free day. "

" why not?! "

"because you don't control my fucking business!"

and yes he was Right. he is not mine to control. hell, he can't be controlled. as long as he is the controlling one.

I just stood there. looking like a dumb clingy girl looking at him with sad eyes. fuck my life, why is this so hard.

"you know what? you're right. "

"thank you."

"but remember that business doesn't always come first. and I am sorry, but I'll have to go right now. " and I walked out of the room.

" Je t'emmerde!" I said shouting at him.


"You don't understand Sarah! He is just fucked up. too fucked up! "

here I am crying my eyes out in front of Sarah and her trying to calm me down. and I just can't calm down.

"you know what makes my Matilda happy? " Sarah smiled and I looked at her waiting for an answer.

"Ben and Jerry! "

I groaned, not again.

I just sometimes. I want to clear some things to Sarah.


I just hope this gets to Sarah's head.

"Matilde, do you like Harry Styles? "

"Sarah! these feelings don't come that quick!"

" damn, I thought I said if you like him not marry him!"

" well..." I stopped, she ducked her head at me, squinting her eyes at me.

"Yeah, he is hot."


"But he is too tensed up, to worked up. He works too hard and I want him to enjoy life at this young age. I just don't want him to regret anything." I mumbled sadly.

I just want him to have fun.


Short and crappy :/ sorry .

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