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"Oh, fuck."

I groaned touching my temples, tired from the bullshit that Sarah kept mumbling about.

"I mean, come on Matilda, the guy brought you flowers! Fucking flowers!" She kept swirling around the living room, while I sat on my couch, drinking hot tea, with a bun on my head and wearing jumpers.

Lazy ass; you can describe me.

I groaned again. Hearing her yelling at me, and how Mr 'oh I am so nice and sweet' harry fucking styles.

"And he took care of you when you were drunk! I mean, who does that now? Last time I heard that since gentlemen existed, and that was fucking one hundred years ago! And oh, wait, let's see this. I didn't wake you up because you were probably tired." She read the note that he left me beside my pillow, it was a fucking long page, describing what happened yesterday, and how I was too drunk.

"Fuck you Matilda, the guy is perfect."

"No he is not!"

"Yes, he is. If I were you, I wouldn't let this chance go, I wouldn't let him escape and date some other woman, who is clearly going to use him for his fame and money."

I huffed, taking a sip of my cold tea now, and groaned. I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my fucking life.

I swore too much today.

"Please, give him a chance. For me?"

I groaned again, Sarah sat beside me, patting my head, and playing with bun on my head.

"Please?" She innocently asked.

I sighted, she is probably right, won't it hurt for a try right?


"Rita, go and talk to Mr Anderson about the contract, I need answers now, and coffee on my desk now!" And I hang up.

I scanned the files with my eyes, and putting it neatly down on my desk, while writing notes on a sticky paper.

I glanced at the clock and huffed, I've got a lot of work to do today.

A door opened without knocking, I huffed, still not glancing at the stranger who rudely entered my office.

"You have five seconds to explain why you rudely entered my office or I'll call security." I said sternly still not glancing.

A pause, then I heard them speaking.

"Even me?"

I raised my head, looking at her, while slowly standing up.


"Harry," she greeted back. And closed the door, skipping to my desk and she sat on the chair. Me repeating her action.

"What were you doing?" She scanned the items on my desk, while taking some few files and glancing at it quickly then putting it back in a neat way. I watched her play with some of my stuff.


She mumbled something, and when I asked what was she saying.

"Nothing," she answered.

"I am sorry," she suddenly apologized. My eyebrows met, while titling my head.


"For my acts yesterday, even though I don't remember anything." She giggled which made my lips tug a little upright but the stoned face returned back again focusing on her face.

"So," she awkwardly said as she glanced around the office.

"I should apologize too, I am sorry."

The Waitress In Black. H.SWhere stories live. Discover now