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"Matilda, wake up."

I groaned, moving around, "I  don't want to go to school mum." I mumbled under my breath.

A soft chuckle rang through my ears. Where am I? And for the second thought, I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to sleep forever on this really comfy bed.

"Matilda, you have to wake up. Your friends must be worried by now." A soft voice, but very familiar melted to my ears, but it wasn't my mum I am sure. This was a manly voice. Father? No, this voice is deep and raspy. Really deep.

I groaned again, this time sitting up before opening my eyes. Once I opened it, I screamed a bloody high scream. I looked frantically around me to find I am in a strange, but very fancy room, the walls were in white and red. The covers were white and the wood of the bed was painted with red. But something else that caught my eyes.

Mr Harry Styles in front of me with  a damn smirk on his face.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Sleeping beauty? Did I miss something? I tried to recall what happened yesterday and immediately blushed at the events of yesterday. I fainted in Mr Styles Office.

"It's already morning?" My voice was above a whisper and the sheets were tightly held in my hands covering myself like a shield. He nodded still with a smirk on his face sitting at the end of the bed.

I frantically fiddled with the sheets trying to uncover myself to run outside of this place and head home before Sarah calls the police.

"Why in such hurry?" He stood up once I stood-well attempting to try to stand up but miserably fail- and Mr gentleman caught me before I trip and make fun of my ass. "I need to go right now." I spoke while trying to search for my shoes. Thank god he didn't change my clothes for me or else I'll think he is a prevert.

"We'll let me drive you home?" It was a surprise that he spoke nicely this time with a normal expression on his face like He really meant it, not like the day before, he was cold and mean yesterday. I shivered as I remembered the events.

"No thank you I reAllyx have to-" whoops, going to throw up. My eyes wide, and my breathe hitched. I put my hand on my moth so I wouldn't ruin this beautiful carpet underneath me. And searched for a door in the room, I opened it quickly and thanked god for his blessing for giving me the right GPS mode today. And then I threw up like yesterday.

I heard the door slam behind me, he must be either really disgust or wanted to give me some privacy.

After I finished, I sat leaning to the bathtub behind me, groaning and feeling dizzy from the emptiness in my stomach. I put my head between my knees and closed my eyes trying to regain my breathing again and calm down.

"Matilda? Can I come in?" His voice was muffled by the door-and my throbbing head too-between us. I wanted to scream No, but in the same time Yes. I groaned in answer, my tongue doesn't seem to form any words and there is not enough energy to say a simple word.

The door opened anyway, and I couldn't even raise my head to take a look at him. I heard his footsteps getting near and then a body sitting beside me with a hand rubbing my shoulder and neck. "Are you alright?". I shook my head for response still my head between my knees eyes closed.

"I think I should take you home quickly." Trying to get rid of me much?

I nodded anyway.

"Do you think you can stand up?" I shook my head. "But can you at least raise your head? I want to feel your temperature." I, slowly raised my head, still eyes closed and feeling my head too heavy for my neck. I could feel his other hand getting close to my forehead and it stayed there for two minutes, then to my cheeks with the back of his hands.

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