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"Mum!" I jumped into my mother's arms and held her tightly. "Sweetie, I've missed you more. But didn't we agree on you not having to come here?" She used her mother tone. but I didn't care i threw a hug at dad and then backed away. "Don't worry, actually, someone drove me here, so it's totally fine. don't worry."She nodded. and out of all the sudden harry showed up behind me, smiling confidently, although i know deep inside him he is quite nervous and i couldn't help but see how cute was that. harry introduced himself to mum while i hugged dad telling him how much i missed him. after i told my greetings to my dad i went beside mum hugging her again just to see her reaction or at least hear a thing about her opinion. while harry was shaking hands with dad, mum whispered in my ear. "very handsome, but looks mature, how old is he?" when i was about to answer she replied quickly. "look, it's fine anyway. I'm not going to judge now, maybe when he leaves tonight." i nodded thanking her so much.

 "my car is outside, here, let me take your bag, sir." Harry grabbed the bag and put it on his shoulder not caring about it's weight, although dad held it like it weighted tones. My mum noticed, and I can imagine her fighting tonight with him to go the gym with her. My dad raised his eyebrows impressive with his actions, while mum was silent the whole time. Maybe that's the thing that scared me about mum, she observed then she judges fairly. I pried to god that harry wouldn't go to the kitchen or even touch the laundry.

When we went out, we stopped in front of Harry's range rover, but my parents stopped in front of the red beetle next to it. Harry was getting his key out standing in between the cars.

"you.. err, own a beetle harr?" dad asked. Harry looked confused for a second then smiled and my heart melted, he shook his head. "no sir, this one here." And he touched the range rover. Again, dad raised his eyebrows and an 'O' formed on his mouth. Harry unlocked his cars and started to get the bags in the car, while my dad was seated beside the driver's seat, the passenger's side. And me and my mum were in the backseat. Once harry was inside the car he drove off. Harry and dad were for silent as they listened to mum how she ranted on how she got a jet leg and all of that.

Harry's eyes met my eyes in rear mirror view. His eyes looked wild, like he was lost. My eyes softened and mouthed him."you're doing a great job." And raised a secret thumbs up to him. He relaxed a little bit then he nodded a small nod.

Then I averted my attention to mum listening to her. At halfway of the road, dad was talking with harry and me and my mum were chatting. The thing with my family, is that they never stopped talking. They absolute loved to chat and laugh and gossip at everything. I couldn't be happier and be nervous at the same time, my most favourite people on earth were in one place. Once we arrived. Harry stepped out and opened for my mum the door and held his hands out for her, while dad got my door. Once harry was going to get the bags. My mum was talking to me I didn't notice that harry just nodded to my dad about him telling him something I didn't hear because of mum, but I shrugged it off. Once we were inside. I prepared dinner with mum while I left harry and dad alone. My mum started talking again after five minutes of silence.

"what's his job?" she asked so suddenly. "do you know The Styles company?" I asked she nodded. "well, his name is harry styles." I shrugged. My mum didn't get the message. I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "he owns the company, mum." The dish in her hands slipped and shattered to pieces. "what?" she whispered-shouted. We heard sound of Harry's and dad's feet running to the kitchen.

"everything okay?" dad asked. Harry looked at me worried, checking me out, I assumed to see if I was injured. He relaxed a little bit more when I mumbled it's fine. Once dad and harry were out of the kitchen my mother looked at me sternly. What the fuck was wrong? I panicked."do you realize how rich is he?" she sternly said, I didn't see where was the problem.


"I wouldn't let anyone buy my daughter." She spat. I face palmed.

"oh my god, mum, mum.." I grabbed her attention. "I swear, it's not like that. I swear to you i'm okay. Come on, I'm smarter than that mum."

"that's what I thought." She mumbled. I was hurt.

"mum?" my voice broke as she kneeled picking the pieces. When she stood up and looked at my expression, her features relaxed.

"look, I just don't want you getting hurt." She said softly. I nodded, understanding her freak-out. "I swear, he is really nice, not what the media sees him as." She nodded.

"okay, okay. Could you please hand me the towel?" I nodded. My mum smiled at me and then I was confirmed that she was okay again. I let out a huge breath once she went out to grab something.

Once dinner was over and when we all gathered at dessert and at and laughed. I smiled seeing my dad grew fond of harry a lot. My mum was laughing too, but she was focusing on harry observing him again.

"okay, well I think it's for us to leave, honey?" dad said to my mum. I looked confusedly at them. "what? Where? You are staying? Right?" I stood up eyeing them.

Dad laughed. "don't worry, flower. We are staying at some hotel." I was confused. Now I realised the disappearance of the bags, apparently. Dad told harry the plane, because harry stood up once they stood up. Grabbing his keys."why are you staying at a hotel, while you can stay here?"

"I just happen to have an old friend there and he offered us a deal. Also, I'd really like to see him. We will see you tomorrow." I nodded.


"tomorrow." My mum confirmed. As I hugged at them both at the doorstep. I looked for harry, he stood beside me ad hugged me too.

"please, come back." I whispered to him. I could see mum and dad walking to the car and stepping inside it.

"it'll be late, baby." He whispered kissing my forehead.

"please, just stay tonight."

"Matilda, I have work in the morning."


"fine. Keep the bed warm." He whispered and walked away with them he smiled at me and I smiled back shyly. My parents waved at me and I waved back as they drove off. Seeing Harry's car fade and I stepped inside.


oh my god, you have the right to hit me. i'm so absloute sorry for the late late update. so sorry. i just lost track of time and iwas't inspired enough and i had this huge writer's block. but hopefully, i'll be back with some ideas! 

a dedication to the beautiful @ShermayaWilliams for being awsome! and i'm sorry for being late <3



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thank you for the reads, you guys are seriously awsome. :)x

The Waitress In Black. H.SHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin