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"harry idiot styles! You're at what?!" I yelled at the phone.

See, harry has been out of the hospital since a week ago. And the first five days I was at his, of course, me being the amazing human being and such a generous person is, decided to take care of him, and when I returned home. He made sure to call me the last two days. Since he didn't call this morning, I got worried. When I called his home, he didn't answer. I called his office and It –surprisingly- answered and right now, I'm pissed off and worried about his health.

I grabbed my keys and shoes stormed off the flat in the streets for Harry's building.

I feel like I'm dealing with a little kid wanting to go to his football practice while he's sick.




"you forgot!"

Okay, so may think that he forgot our anniversary or my birthday or whatever is important but it's not. He forgot to take his medicine, and without his medicine he wont heal quickly. Right now, I have here harry who whines like a little kid who doesn't want to take his medicine. 'because it smells and tastes bad.' He said.

I glared at him. "harry, baby, open your mouth." Harry sealed his mouth and shook his head, he put his un-casted hand on his mouth refusing.

"baby." I said holding the spoon. "open your mouth , I'm not gonna repeat myself." He shook his head once more. This time, I went nuts.

"harry you fucker open your damn mouth!" I saw his face turns horror and opening his mouth. God, kids these days need a firm hand now and then.




"are you ready?" I asked looking at his eyes. He chuckled and looked at me warmly. "yeah, baby. I'm ready." He smiled. I helped through the doctor's office. today was the day he'll take off his cast on his legs.

"so, next week he'll be taking it off his arm?" I asked the doctor. She smiled at me and nodded. I looked at harry thanking god that he was okay.


I kissed harry once we were inside his house. He wrapped both arms around my waist. I smiled through the kiss giggling.

"thank god, you're okay now." I said looking to his green eyes. He nodded and kissed me once more.

Harry was standing on his feet beside me while we were cooking spaghetti and meatballs, he was perfectly on is feet, working those arms again and the scar on his eyebrow was fading quickly. Harry was fine again and I couldn't be happier.

"you know, I really wanted to thank you for taking care of me."

I blushed. "it's alright"

"although, it was hell bu- ow!" I hit him in his arm. He held his arm to his chest and moaned in pain. "dammit, Matilda, it's not healed completely.' I started to get worried. I looked at him and to his arm worriedly searching for anything wrong but then I saw harry smiling at me and mumbling "just joking." He said. I wanted to hit him again but I glared at him instead.

I realized that I loved harry really that much and I thought about my days what would they be without him. I wouldn't have a life then. He is my life now.


i'm really sorry for this short chapter, i just thought how i wanted to turn everything around from dramatic and sad to fluffy and cute. ^^ thank you again for being awsome.

a dedication for the awsome @__BingBong__ !! thank you so much for being amazing and supporting me. loved all your comments :)x thank you!

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thank you :)

buu xx

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