Once-Upon-a-Time Lady

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I've been thinking of you lately -
And the way you joked about tall ladies,
The way your long hair was wavy,
And how much you loved the eighties.

Do I ever cross your mind?
Just a little, maybe?
Do you ever wonder,
"What if we kept love from fading?"
You took a piece of my heart.
There's no debating,
And even though it's regrown,
That piece is forever yours -
That's never changing.
But do you ever wish
That you and I were still we?
Would you still blow me kisses
That made my knees weak?
Would you still be the answer
To all my hopes and dreams,
All my wildest fantasies,
To everything that fate needs?
Do you ever stop and think,
"Why didn't you chase me?"
To be honest, if there's an answer,
Or an explanation, it escapes me.
But for all the happy memories,
This is me, smiling and thanking.
They are my blue skies and sunshine
Even when the nights are rainy.

And I've been thinking of you lately -
The way you smiled at me daily,
The way you called me your baby,
And how much you drove me crazy.

Farewell, my once-upon-a-time lady.

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