For Love of Writing and the Idea

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Some people fall in love with writing
And others with the idea.
Some people sweat and toil, writhing,
While others loathe the idea.
Some people slip away quietly abiding,
But others gloat the idea
Without doing the work of inscribing.

Some people go on while smiling,
And others run when work comes biting.
Some people relish the goal and the path,
While others only want the praise to flash.
Some people go on even when things are dim,
But others only care to play if they win.

Some people fall in love with the idea of writing.
Some people fall in love with writing,
And on their darkest days,
When the dark strokes of their words on the page
Glow abundantly in luminescent rage,
When their emotions boil up and spill out and blaze,
When all the feelings they've held,
Come spilling through unparalleled
From fingers that shout and yell,
Even out of the murk in which they dwell,
The writers will remain,
And the lovers will move on to love again.

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