Necessary Evils

22 3 0

There is only one reason
why we deny the horrors
this world has to hold.
We think that if we pretend,
That if we ignore the terrors --
That they lose their potency.
We think that if we hide
or if we blind ourselves,
That when we finally open our eyes,
the malevolence will have passed,
And we will have emerged from safe haven
without a scratch or wound that scathes us.
We think that because we close our eyes --
That because we cover our ears,
That because we keep our mouths shut
And refuse to speak up for those who can't,
That because we dodge the danger as best we can --
That we will resurface resplendent,
That the evil will eventually end,
That someday it will all pass --
As long as we keep our heads down
and tread carefully with tempered steps.
We hope that necessary evils exist
Because we lack the courage
to declare all evils unnecessary.

Simply PoetryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ