Changed, pt 3

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I've changed.
I'm not that young fool anymore -
The one that values work
over family.

I'm not the child
that assumes to have learned
all there is to know.

I don't need to be
the entire machinery
gears and tapestry.

I don't need to be
anything other than
a contributor and a keg.

I don't believe
I'm the only future
from a generation of geniuses
who have accomplished absolutely nothing.

I don't cry
because I'm a part of a greater whole
I don't cry
because it would continue without my input.

I'm fluid and compliant,
because I know what I am worth.
I know that without me
it would work just a bit worse.

I believe in what is right,
and I pay my respects to those that have it.
I see the subtlety of life
and I'm not restricted by it.

I follow my own path.
I endure and uphold what I believe is right
working with my place in the world
And take my family where we go
When we want to go.

I enjoy the meals made by my wife
And the laughter and my children's smiles.
I'm a man of simple pleasures,
And I do what is planned for.
I miss my parents more than before,
And help my youngest daughter with her chores.

I do things my doctor tells me I shouldn't.
I do it anyway.

I can treat myself
when I want to relax
but I don't succumb
to the latest trends and fads.
I rediscover the lost gems of my past.
and teach my kids the old wonders when I can.

I follow my own path.
I do what I must.
I'm not a child to be coddled.
I have achieved my goals.
I have found peace and serenity
And have become part of a greater whole.

I'm not a child
who jumps at true love's first calling.
I have traveled that road
and burned that bridge before.
I had a wife
But now I have another
I like to hold.

They said I jumped too soon.
They said I rushed too much.
They said it wouldn't last
And they were right.

But I found my way back.
We took our time
And found our lives aligned.
We are happy to be married.
We are true love's true light.

We followed our own path.

We have three kids
and a car
and a house of our own.

We make enough money,
and we go places
like Chicago and LA
and New York.

We are free.
I know we are.
We made our own path.

I'm not an upstart.
I'm not proud or vain or self-indulgent.
I'm not a product of my mistakes
but rather of lessons gained.

I'm not a stooge;
I'm consoled.
I'm not mystique;
I'm known.
I'm not undisciplined;
I am honed.

I live my life,
And I do my deeds.

I'm not a forgotten soul.
I follow my own path.

I am not who I used to be.
I have changed.

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