False Memories of Our Reverie As "We"

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present day:
Old with age with children gone away
You and I recline by the fire sipping wine
Music softly plays undertones to our talk
You tell me of what ifs and remember whens
And I tell you we were always meant to win
We cuddle in and feel warmth on our skin
You peck a kiss and I return a smile
Dreaming of a dream world gone right

memory 1:
Late September, our toes in the sand
Sunset sunlight across the skies
And wind toying with your hair
We watched the waves roll
Our hands clasped and twined
Our fingers combined in pained hope
And that awkward conversation
Never halted our flow

memory 2:
On the couch of that ill-lit room
While we watched under light of moon
Your body reclined against mine
And I opened my eyes to see your smile
You nuzzled in and I let your entry win
Our friends passed out on the floor
And we slipped behind closed doors
Because we'd had the courage to go

memory 3:
Slammed in crammed fit on that bus
We caressed and touched like new love
Your face warm with faint blush
My hands wandering to find yours
You found your way into my coat
And I lifted you into my lap just so
While our noses touched so close
Not letting our kiss fade with hope  

memory 4:
Walking along the brick-laid path
The quiet summer air failed to distract
Your sights were set on my mind
And my mind was mired in your wild
You led me to the library garden
I showed you hidden paths behind them
We gossiped for hours about everything
And I asked you out instead of staying in

memory 5:
That moment we met on the corner of First
You with your energetic enthusiasm
And I with my snarky replies
We stayed behind while the others walked
We pretended distraction to not seem absurd
You made your kind remarks
And I made you laugh and smile wide
If only we'd had our isolated alone time

false memories of our reverie as we

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