Your Essence

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I want to find you
somewhere out there
As you slave over your words,
tasting their sounds
on your delicate tongue.
I want to find you
Where you lay to bed -
Soliloquies parade in your head
As you pour through your mind
and squeeze the emotions
that come from deep inside.
I want to find you
Bent over a blank page
because the merit of paper
does not hold up
to the beauty of your thoughts.
I want to read your letters
as if I read your soul -
That look in your eyes
filled with wonders and more.
I want to dance under the light
of your luminescent lyrics
that lift me like nothing ever could.
I want to swim through the waves of your emotion
like a whale calling its love.
I want to find you
Knee deep in poetry sprung from your pen.
I want to hear your soft, intelligent voice
whispering to me as I drift into your sentience
and come to know all your essence.

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