Episode 23 : The Messy Boy

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It is now a tuesday morning, at the school's hallway, Tori was alone hanging out at her locker....

Tori: (yawns) (opens her locker) (sees a photo of her with Caliber and Martin) (takes a deep breath) (in her mind) for all the times that me and Bryce were together, I really failed in making them close to one another....... (takes the photo off her locker) (feels angry) (rips Caliber's part oc the photo) but he is getting out of control now..... he is making things worst for him......
Caliber: (walking in the hallway) (puts a hoodie on him) (looks around) (feels nervous)
Tori: (sees Caliber waking on the hallway) (feels angry) hey!! (walks angrily at Caliber)
*everyone looks at Tori and Caliber*
Uno: (walks in the hallway) (sees Tori facing Caliber) (in his mind) now what is these two trying to do??
Caliber: what? (looks at Tori)
Tori: (slaps Caliber hard)
Uno: oh God! (widens his eyes at Tori) (covers his mouth)
Caliber: (feels embarassed) (feels angry) what was that for??!
*everyone talks about Caliber and Tori*
Tori: but what was your punch for??? you and your filthy hands are getting uncontrollable again....
Caliber: but why are you with him??? (screamsll even after we broke up, you kept spending your time with him and that just proves that you really liked him more than me....
Tori: that is not true Caliber! (screams) how many times would I have to tell you that there is nothing between me and Cedrick.....
Caliber: (crying) but why!! why is still there enough reason about our break up!! you left me hanging even though you know I am weak!!
Tori: I did that because I cannot help you!! (clenches her fist) this is not about Cedrick or anybody else... this is just both our mess and you do not have to ruin Martin's campaign with your stupid mental problems!
Caliber: yeah! (nods) (keeps crying) stupid mental problems... now you said it..... you do not know how much I want people to stay with me but you think I am a waste of time.....
Tori: (feels sad)
Caliber: but do not worry, I am trying to fix myself alone and I am trying to have good terms with Martin.....
Martin: (walking in the hallway) (hears his name) huh? (looks around) who is calling me??? (sees Caliber and Tori fighting) (walks closer to the fight) (in his mind) Tori??
Tori: by spending time with Cleo???
Caliber: for heaven's sake Tori! (scratches his head) fine! this is not about you Tori! you do not have the rights to know what is going on with my life, who I punch and who I harm.... cause this is not for you anymore.... (shakes his head)
Tori: (slaps Caliber harder)
Caliber: (nods) if ever I harm anybody soon..... it is not because I am making fun of somebody but it is because I am protecting and making up with somebody... (keeps crying) (about to leave)
Tori: what do you mean?? (looks confused at Caliber)
Caliber: just like what I said... this is not about you anymore... (wipes his tears) its all about Martin now... you do not have to know what is going on in the edges of my life (left)
Tori: (looks down sadly)
Martin: (looks at Caliber leaving) (feels sad)
Uno: (looks at Tori, Caliber and Martin) (in his mind) I guess these people doesn't know yet what is what... while I am here knowing everything they hide.... (smiles annoyingly) (left)

It is now afternoon..... at the cafeteria, Martin, Trenton and Jayson were enjoying their lunch together.....

Martin: (feels quiet) (looks down)
Jayson: (contacting somebody) (smiles) wait Martin.... I will just call my cousin..... I want you to meet him....
Martin: (smiles at Jayson) (looks down sadly)
Trenton: (looks at Martin) (whispers) you okay?? you look not...
Martin: (looks at Trenton) (smiles slightly)
Jayson: (calls somebody) ugh.... hello??
Tori: (enters the room) (looks around)
Martin: (sees Tori) ugh... (taps Jayson) Jayson... be right back... I am just gonna ask Tori something... (runs to Tori)
Jayson: hey Martin.... wait... but my cousin....
Trenton: (looks at Tori and Martin)
Martin: ugh Tori?
Tori: (smiles at Martin) oh hi Martin... why??
Martin: I am concerned... why??? what happened to you and Cal?
Tori: (shrugs) I just confronted him about what he did to Cedrick.....
Martin: and what's with the slap??
Tori: (looks down sadly) ugh... lets just say... we all know he is a messy person and... we cannot blame if he is delusional sometimes.... accused Cedrick of.... you know...
Martin: (looks at Tori) (nods) ahh.....
Jayson: (looks at Tori and Martin) (calling his cousin) hello?
Connor: (on the line) hello bro.... Jayjay?
Jayson: (smiles) hey bro.... can we talk for a little bit... I just want you to meet my boyfriend......
Connor: ugh Jayjay?? I am so happy for you but....
Trenton: (listens to Connor and Jayson)
Connor: I am busy.... be right back at you..... this is for us anyway.... see ya.... (ends call)
Jayson: but Connor!! hello? (looks at his phone)
*Tori and Martin walks to Jayson*
Tori: (looks at Trenton and Jaydon) hey you two! what's up???
Martin: where is your cousin, Jayson?
Jayson: (shrugs) he was busy.... (looks down sadly)
Martin: oh God... I am sorry....
Jayson: it is fine... you will still eventually meet him anyway.......
Martin: (smiles slightly) (nods)

It is now dismissal...... at the parking lot...... Jayson and Martin are now heading to the car.....

Jayson: I am planning to move in your home Martin.... what do you think?
Martin: (keeps walking) (sees Caliber heading to a car)
Caliber: (walks and sits in front of his car) (feels sad)
Martin: (feels sad for Caliber)
Cleo: (enters the parking lot) (sees Caliber alone in his car) (sees Martin looking at Caliber) (feels sad)
Caliber: (sees Martin looking at him)
Jayson: (shakes Martin) you listening to me love?? (sees Martin looking at Caliber) (stares angrily at Caliber)
Martin: ugh... (shakes his head) lets go home.... (enters Jayson's car)
Jayson: (stares angrily at Caliber) you do not have to care about Cal anymore..... remember that Martin... (enters the car)
Caliber: (tears falls on his face)
Tori: (sees Caliber crying at Martin and Jayson) (in his mind) he really does like Martin.... he really does... this cannot be just reconciliation... it has something more from it.....

Be ready guys.... I am so excited for what this season will turn out to be because I enjoyed the Season 1 so much... I am expecting the same flow.... so tune in guys...

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