Episode 11 : The Big Party Mess

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Deeper to the night, Martin finds himself alone in a bedroom after being traumatized by the crowd who made fun of him earlier......

Martin: (yawns) (looks at the window) (sees a lot of people) there's still a lot of people.... what the fuck...... how can I go  home now??
Caliber: (opens the door) (talking to somebody outside the room) (feels drunk) hahahahaya I am just gonna get my fucking guitar bro... (walks inside the room) (sees Martin) huh??
Martin: (looks at Caliber) (eyes widens at Caliber) what the hell are you doing here?
Caliber: (feels blurry) hey you Martin.... I... I... I have been finding you the whole night!? and you are making me leave in my own... hahahahaha.... bedroom?? you own this room??
Martin: oh... if that is so... (stands up) I'mma leave... (about to leave)
Caliber: I have seen your friends kiddo..... and... (drinks from a tin can beer) I will take you there...... or we can hang out.....
Martin: what is your problem?! why did you even invite me? and why do you wanna be so close after making fun of me?
Caliber: cause you are.... fun! hahahahahaha.... (feels dizzy)
Martin: fun?? excuse me?
Caliber: (covers Martin's mouth) do not misunderstood that little kid......
Martin: Caliber.... you smell beer.....
Caliber: (laughs loudly) hahahahahahahahha! obviously cause I am holding beer......
Martin: (looks down) ugh... why not rest instead, I am going to find my friends, just tell me where.....
Caliber: no.... I am really here to spend time with you.... do you even feel special that I invited you...... (pulls Martin) lets go!
Martin: what the... fine, you will lead me... do not drag me... (follows Caliber)

At the poolside, Trenton, Cedrick and Reese were hanging out......

Trenton: Cleo really left?
Reese: she really did..... she texted me that she is already at home...
Cedrick: Tori must have been hurt so much...
Reese: (rolls her eyes at Cedrick) girl! if I was Tori, obviously I am hurt.... who would not be? Even if I am Cleo's bestie, I will not tolerate that behavior......
Trenton: where could Martin be? what if Caliber did something bad to him....
Cedrick: want me to check guys?
*Caliber, Martin and Prescott approaches Trenton and the others*
Uno: (sees Martin getting lowkey dragged by Caliber) (whispers to his friends)
Trenton: (stands up) Martin... where have you been the whole night???
Reese: yeah... where have you been?
Prescott: I was just chilling at the billiard room.....
Reese: (rolls his eyes) not you dickhead!
Martin: (nervously looks at Uno)
Uno: (starts filming Martin)
Martin: (eyes widens) (looks back at Trenton)
Caliber: well, your boy haven't drink yet I guess.... and it seems that you guys haven't too......
Martin: wait Cal.....
Reese: the truth is.... my friends are stopping me but I would love to....
Prescott: lets go Reese...
Reese: (looks away) I am not talking to you...
Caliber: (pushes Martin to a outdoor couch) (sits beside Martin)
Uno: (eyes widens at Martin and Caliber) what the....
Martin: what are you doing??
Caliber: drink... (gives Martin a beer)
Martin: (shakes his head) I do not drink....
Caliber: it is my party and you have to drink... just once... for me....
Martin: no.... Caliber... never in my dreams I would drink.......
Caliber: (glares at Martin) I said... drink!!
Reese: Cal... that is too much forcing this baby boy of ours.... let me handle that... (about to take the can of beer from Caliber)
Caliber: (moves the can away from Reese) Reese.... I just wanna make sure he feels the life of the party......
Martin: I said no Caliber.....
Caliber: (opens the can of beer) it is already open Martin.....
Cedrick: Caliber! this is peer pressure....
Caliber: I do not care about you Cedrick... mind your own business, mind Tori instead!
Reese: huh what?! (looks at Cedrick)
Caliber: so... drink little boy.... (smiles at Martin)
Trenton: (looks concerned at Martin) are you going to do it Martin... you can back off.....
Martin: (gulps) (looks around) (feels nervous) (takes the beer)
Trenton: (covers his face)
Reese: (bites her fingernails)
Martin: (smiles at Caliber) (spills the beer onto Caliber's head)
*everyone looks shocked at Martin and Caliber*
Uno: what the!! (covers his mouth)
Caliber: (gets wet) what the hell did you do? (stands up) (walks closer to the pool) why did you do that??? am I joking here Martin?!!
Martin: (immediately turns nervous) ugh..... can't you take a joke today?
Prescott: he is drunk... what would you expect?
Martin: shit... (stands up) ugh.... Caliber? I am sorry....
Caliber: forget about it.... you are a stupid useless gay anyway!! (pushes Martin to the pool)
Martin: (splashes to the water)
*everyone laughs loudly*
Uno: oh my! Hahahahahahahahah....
Reese: oh no!! Martin!!! (walks near the pool)
Trenton: what the fuck did you do??! (looks at Caliber) (walks near the pool)
Martin: (feels cold)
Caliber: (stares at Martin getting embarassed) (slowly feels guilty)
Martin: (tears falls on his face)
Reese: (offers her hand) Martin... grab my hand.....
Trenton: we will help you! (offers his hand) 
*Trenton and Reese pulls Martin up to the poolside*
Martin: (looks around) (crying)
Caliber: (shakes his head) ugh... Martin? Cedrick: (gives Martin a towel) here Martin... keep yourself dry.....
Martin: (stares angrily at Caliber) (crying) I knew you only invited me to do something worse than what I did and what you did before..... I know.... its all fun and games till I realize that I am really played..... I hate the way I enjoyed our cat and mouse thing... (shoves Caliber) (about to leave)
Caliber: (holds Martin) I am....
Martin: no... do not even continue it.... I am over this type of games... (left)
Reese: wait.... Martin!!! (left)
Trenton: why Cal? (left)
Uno: (happily looks at Martin leaving)
Prescott: (walks to Caliber) Cal?
Caliber: (screams) (feels angry) (crying) everybody shut up!! this party is over! make sure your asses leave this place as soon as possible! (throws a case of beer to the pool) (left)
Cedrick: (feels sad for Caliber)

As soon as Martin dries himself, he goes to bed and cries everything out......

Martin: (keeps crying) (wraps his arms all over his knees)
*Trenton and Reese peeks on Martin behind the door*
Reese: shall we calm him? (whispers to Trenton)
Trenton: (whispers to Reese) we'll stay at the living room but lets not bug him... this is his cure everytime he has problems.....
Reese: (whispers at Trenton) poor Martin..... I feel sorry for him....

At the mansion of Caliber, it Caliber's bedroom.....

Caliber: (throws all of his pillows everywhere) (crying very hard) you are so fucking stupid Caliber! (punches the wall a lot of times) you are a mess in every way!! (looks at the mirror) (screams) you are a fucking mess!! (punches the mirror)
*the mirror breaks*
Caliber: (fist starts bleeding) (crying) (falls on his knees) you are a mess Cal... you are the worst......

This is so emotional.... I feel bad for the two of them.... will this be a twist and there will never be such a thing or even a friendship between Caliber and Martin? Tune in....

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