Episode 3 : Bad Night Comes A Bad Day

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Currently, while Jayson is chatting Martin.......

Messenger: Jayson - Martin

Jayson: so what brings you here at midnight?? you know it is not good for anybody's health to sleep late.....
Martin: I know.... everybody says that but.... I do not know why I am such a night owl..... my mind and heart is very awake at night......
Jayson: well, I cannot blame you.... that is an amazing personality too even though sometimes it is dangerous.....
Martin: and there is something about nighttime that gives me fun even without doing a lot of things that makes me fun.....
Jayson: the company the night is giving you.... that makes you comfortable.....
*Jayson sends tons of photos from the photoshoot earlier*
Jayson: here.... if you need to post it in social media.... or anything.... its yours..... you're in the photo anyway..... I also sent these to your besties......
Martin: oh cool..... thank you so much.... can you suggest any photo that I can use as my profile?
Jayson: this sounds cheesy but any photos you have is worthy.... look at you.... you are so attractive.....
Martin: I am not Trenton....
Jayson: he is cute.... you are handsome bro.... trust me.....
Martin: 😊 okay...... thank you once again...
Jayson: ugh.... before I sleep.... I wanna tell that you can still get the hard copy of these photos... just approach me... I already printed those....
Martin: thank you so much again..... I didn't knew that we can be close friends Jayson.. we have known each other for the whole first quarter already......
Jayson: well, I was also too shy but here we are.... we can approach each other and I feel that we can get along....
Martin: yeah.... 😊 thank u again.... see you later...
Jayson: hey... sleep now!
Martin: hahahaha... Jayson.... I will be fine....
Jayson: okay? but.... sleep okay???
Martin: I will still sleep.... chill.....
Jayson: ok... ok... goodnight Martin......
Martin: goodnight Jay....


Martin: (smiles to the cieling) (takes his laptop) (enters his Blued account) (sees a new message from ShhKeepThisASecret)

Blued: ShhKeepThisASecret - 2AMBoi

ShhKeepThisASecret: now I really know why your username is 2AMBoi.....
2AMBoi: should I care about how you care???
ShhKeepThisASecret: what keeps you rude??? you said you are here to find friends.....
2AMBoi: and you started to not act as one.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: just because I sent a dick pic.... that offended you???
2AMBoi: didn't you remember?? you also judged me.....
ShhKeepThisASecret: fine... I am sorry if I sent you that dick... and yes, I updated my account....


Martin: (in his mind) stupid stranger... (stalks ShhKeepThisASecret's account) (looks at ShhKeepThisASecret's finds) what the fuck? now this guy also tries to find friendship?? after that dick???


Blued: 2AMBoi - ShhKeepThisASecret

2AMBoi: now tell me why you are finding friends? I thought you want to have somebody to have a cyber sex or even a one night stand with?
ShhKeepThisASecret: well, its about using your mind Mr. 2AMBoi..... if there's tons of boys who are only into friendship here... then I will be using that so that I can be approached by more people....
2AMBoi: that sounds stupid! then what?? you send them a dick pic??
ShhKeepThisASecret: everyone can still be horny even if they wanna find friendship so yes.... unfortunately you have no honriness in you......
2AMBoi: excuse me! fuck you!
ShhKeepThisASecret: really?
2AMBoi: then you just wasted your time talking to me.... find your horny buddy.... you asshole!


Martin: (feels angry) (shuts his laptop) that was fucking offensive... how dare he said that! (moves his laptop away) he better stop talking to me tomorrow... (closes his eyes) (sleeps)

And so it goes, it is now a Wednesday morning at school...... Martin is now eating at the cafeteria with Cleo, Trenton and Reese.....

Martin: (feels angry) (eating)
Reese: (elbows Trenton) (points Martin)
Cleo: (looks at Martin)
Trenton: (looks at Martin) ugh Martin??? you have been in a bad mood since the beginning of the day.... what happened???
Reese: did that Caliber do something to you??
Cleo: we can talk to him...
Jayson: (approaches Martin) good morning guys..... (looks at Martin) ugh... hi Martin..
Martin: (looks at Jayson) hi Jayson...
Jayson: ugh... (puts down 3 envelopes) here..... I told you to approach me if you need the hardcopy but I saw you sad and tired..... so... here are the hard copies....
Martin: (smiles) you do not have to adjust haha......
Reese: (takes an envelope) oh my God! here it is.... thank you Jayson for sending the digital ones huh?
Cleo: (takes Reese's envelope) let me see that! (looks at the photos) (feels sad)
Jayson: I told you..... sleep early Martin.... I know its fun but do not abuse yourself....
Trenton: that is what I also said to him....
Cleo: you didn't really wait for me... (looks at the photos)
Jayson: (sits down) (smiles) sleep early later okay???
Reese: wait.... you two talk every night???
Cleo: (feels ignored) (feels angry)
Jayson: we just became friends last night in Facebook.... and I saw him online.....
Martin: thanks for caring guys.... (smiles) I am happy to have you all......
Jayson: (strokes Martin's hair) glad to help you with anything...
Trenton: (smiles at both Martin and Jayson)

It is now dismissal.... at the bus stop, Martin was there alone.....

Martin: (looks down) (feels tired)
Tori: (runs to Martin) (hugs Martin) hi Martinus!!!
Martin: (smiles slightly) hi Tori...
Tori: (feels sad) why sad??? I saw Trenton earlier and told me you were not feeling well and looking sad.....
Caliber: (approaches Martin)
Tori: (looks at Caliber)
Caliber: what?!
Tori: did Caliber hurt you???
Caliber: me again??? I did not even see him the whole day! why should I always be the bad guy....
Tori: cause you were.... aren't you?
Caliber: ugh... whatever!
Martin: (looks at Caliber)
Caliber: ugh... (pulls Tori) he needs space Tori...
Tori: is he sure babe??? I am sorry if I wasn't with you, the whole day..... I will keep up or we can have a sleepover soon..... (smiles)
Martin: (nods) (smiles)
Tori: see ya!
Martin: see ya!
Tori: lets go babe! (left)
Caliber: Martin...
Martin: (looks at Caliber) what??
Caliber: do not make my girlfriend worry..... take care... be okay...
Martin: thank you! (nods)
Caliber: (left)
Martin: (smiles slightly)

Damn! I am so having fun with these..... who's the girl you stand?? TEAM CLEO OR TEAM TORI?? and do you ship MarSon?? Cause I do! Tune In!

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