Episode 4 : A Part Of A Friendship

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It is now thursday, Caliber was driving his girlfriend Tori to school for today..... At Caliber's car.....

Tori: (looks at her phone) ugh babe?
Cailber: (driving) why babe??
Tori: can I ask you a favor?
Caliber: what is it babe???
Tori: but tell me you will agree with this okay??
Caliber: why? is it bad??
Tori: no... but please...
Caliber: just tell me babe.....
Tori: can we drive Martin to school today??
Caliber: sure....
Tori: wait.... (smiles widely) really??
Caliber: why do you look so amused??
Tori: Caliber..... you hate him right??
Caliber: I am doing this for you, not for him....
Tori: why do you hate him tho??? its just.... I still do not get it....
Caliber: (shrugs)
Tori: what the fuck.... no reason?? will that make any sense???
Caliber: he is just popular.... and I do not hate him tho..... I am just messing with him.....
Tori: and why???
Caliber: oh cmon... I said it already..... he is easily to get deal with in my view....
Tori: but you are always the loser between you and him...
Caliber: exactly... now you know why I hate him....
Tori: that's weird....

While Caliber and Tori are on the way to Martin's house..... Martin was preparing to school......

Martin: (packing up his bags) (looks at his phone) (sees a message from Jayson)

Messenger: Jayson - Martin

Jayson: you slept early?
Martin: yeah I did Jay... do not worry about me.... I am not dying....
Jayson: as you should not..... we just met and you're going to die??
Martin: chile! Hahahaha....


Tori: (knocks on the door)
Martin: coming!! (approaches and opens the door)
Tori: hi Martin!!
Martin: (smiles) hi Tori and... (looks at Caliber) (looks serious at Caliber) hi Cal??
Caliber: (nods)
Martin: why are you guys here???
Tori: I told you Martin.... I will keep up with you so... here I am... and gladly, my boy here will drive us, right Caliber??
Caliber: (nods)
Martin: (looks at Caliber serious) why??
Caliber: (rolls his eyes) can we just fucking leave... we are now almost late for school..... (walks to his car)
Tori: do not mind Caliber..... lets just enjoy the fact that somebody is doing orders for us... we the royalties here....
Martin: I guess so.... I just gonna get my bag! (runs to the living room and gets his back)
Tori: lets go Martin!
Martin: (returns to Tori)
Tori: (runs to the car) here.....
Martin: (closes the door) (runs and sits on the backseat of the car)
Caliber: (looks at Martin)
Martin: (looks at Caliber) what?
Caliber: (shakes his head) lets go to school..... (starts the engine)
Tori: you okay there Martin???
Martin: (nods)
Caliber: (starts driving the car)

As Tori, Martin and Caliber arrives in school, they went straight to their classes..... after a few periods, it is recess....... at the outdoor tables......

Martin: (sits on the table) so..... gladly its sunny today huh?
Cleo: feeling better Martin??
Martin: yes.... I am okay....
Cleo: ugh.... Martin, if you need somebody to walk to while going to school or going home, remember your best friend.....
Martin: sure Cleo.... but do not worry...... I am not depressed or suicidal......
Reese: oh Martin..... do not joke with us.... we know you are depressed.....
Martin: (eyes widens at Reese) huh?
*Cleo and Trenton widens their eyes at Reese*
Reese: oh yeah.... I have no rights to tell Martin if he is depressed or not.....
Trenton: Martin.... I just noticed how much Jayson is so approachable these days.....
Reese: oh my! I also noticed that.....
Cleo: I agree Martin...... what do you think of Jay....
Tori: (approaches Martin) there you guys are!!
Cleo: (looks at Tori) (looks disappointed)
Martin: (hugs Tori) oh hi!! no dance practice???
Tori: (shakes her head) I did not want to attend cause I wanna have time with you like I promised.....
Martin: (smiles) aww! that is too sweet for you...
Reese: (looks concerned about Cleo)
Cleo: (looking away)
Tori: so, what is the tea guys??
Trenton: Jayson and Martin are getting so close......
Tori: really??? OMG! I am not aware that much about you and Jayson... all I know is that you and him somehow have a similar schedule.......
Martin: chill guys! we seem to be best friends.... can't you see how much similar we are.... that's why we get along......
Trenton: but what I know is...... you never did categorized yourself as same with Jayson....
Martin: Trenton.... do not jump into conclusions...... I am the only one who can feel something...
Reese: but what are your thoughts about Jayson? Isn't he the ideal guy....
Tori: oh my! that is right...... Martin.... a lot of girls likes you... I even think Cleo likes you....
Cleo: excuse me???
Tori: hahahaha.... but you said you cannot be romantically and sexually attractive with girls so boys..... but some guys likes you too... either gay, bi or even straight adores you but you never liked anyone of them..... so..... why?? why are you still single after everyone liking you???
Martin: (shrugs) I just do not want to..... maybe I am scared.....
Trenton: but Martin.... it is okay to try....
Martin: and I think.......
Tori: I think what???
Martin: I am better off with you guys... (smiles)
Tori: oh my!! that is so sweet.... (widens his arms) can we have a group hug???
Trenton: count me in!!
Reese: me too!
Martin: (hugs Tori)
*Trenton and Reese hugs Tori*
Tori: Cleo... come here....
Cleo: no... it is okay....
Martin: (hugs Cleo) do not be stupid! I love you guys so much!!
Cleo: fine... hahaha... stop.... (rolls her eyes) (smiles)
Tori: we are always her for you!!
Martin: I know you guys are......

And so it goes, as soon as dismissal arrives, Martin went home and did his evenings stuffs.... It is now 2AM and he is now in his bedroom......

Martin: (takes a deep breath) (in his mind) finally, I got to rest after what happened to me yesterday... I hope that asshole stops talking... (smiles) (opens his laptop) (logs in his Blued account) (sees a new message from ShhKeepThisASecret) what the..... he didn't stop?!

Blued: ShhKeepThisASecret - 2AMBoi

ShhKeepThisASecret: you didn't went online yesterday..... why??


Martin: (arches his eyebrow) what the fuck..... who is he?? a boyfriend?

4 fun episodes already! I am so excited...... what must come next???

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